A LaTeX change tracking tool.
Zaphod Beeblebrox is a fictional character in the various versions of the humorous science fiction story The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
A wrapper around latexdiff that recursively checks changes in LaTeX sources between two Git revisions and generates a nice annotated PDF in a new Git branch. This Git branch sits on top of the newer revision - after one has accepted/rejected changes, one can remove the annotations and simply commit and merge to the master branch - a nice workflow.
It is rather simple at the moment and probably has heaps of issues. Feel free to modify it to suit your purposes and open pull requests.
Here is a test repository with LaTeX sources and a resultant latexdiff-annotated branch to play with: https://github.com/sanjayankur31/latex-changes
usage: zaphod [-h] {revise,diff,clean} ...
positional arguments:
{revise,diff,clean} additional help
revise Interactive revision
diff Generate changes output
clean Clean up Zaphod related branches
optional arguments:
-h, --help View subcommand help
The idea of this program is to help LaTeX users track, review, and
see changes that have been made in their source files. The script
only works when git is used as a version control system.
Expected workflow:
- Make changes, commit
- Run this program:
It will generate a pdf with differences between the two
provided Git revisions using latexdiff. It will also commit the
annotated TeX sources in a new Git branch called "changes".
- Review commits using generated PDF.
- Accept/ignore changes.
- Commit once finished.
- Merge to master branch.
- Profit.
- latexdiff
- Git
- pdflatex
- latexmk
- bibtex or biber
- Python3
Subcommand: 'revise'
usage: zaphod revise [-h] [-m MAIN] [-s SUBDIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAIN, --main MAIN Name of main file. Only used to generate final pdf
with changes.
Default: main.tex
-s SUBDIR, --subdir SUBDIR
Name of subdirectory where main file resides.
Default: .
-c, --citations Document contains citations. Will run pdflatex and
bibtex as required. Default: False
TIP: To accept all - switch to rev2 branch/revision.
TIP: To reject all - switch to rev1 branch/revision.
Yay! Git!
Subcommand: 'diff'
usage: zaphod diff [-h] [-r REV1] [-t REV2] [-m MAIN] [-s SUBDIR] [-l LATEXDIFFOPTS] [-c]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REV1, --rev1 REV1 First revision to diff against
-t REV2, --rev2 REV2 Second revision to diff with.
-m MAIN, --main MAIN Name of main file. Only used to generate final pdf
with changes. Default: main.tex
-s SUBDIR, --subdir SUBDIR
Name of subdirectory where main file resides.
Default: .
Pass options to latexdiff. Please read man
latexdiff for available options. These must be
enclosed in single quotes to ensure they are passed
to latexdiff without any processing.
Default: --type=UNDERLINE
-c, --citations Document contains citations. Will add -bibtex to
Default: True
Subcommand: 'clean'
usage: zaphod clean [-h] [-y]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-y, --yes Assume yes Please be careful when using this option. Default: False