Telegram bot for Overwatch inspired by overwatch-telegram-bot. Powered by RethinkDB and OWAPI.
Needs Node.js 7+, because of using async/await construction in the code.
- Install Node 7+ and RethinkDB.
- Create database
table in GUI (localhost:8080) (if you can, you can do it directly in code). git clone
npm install
- Create file config.js in the root and paste it:
module.exports.private = {
token: 'YOUR_TONEN',
imgur_client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
database: {
db: 'overwatch',
//servers: [{host: 'IP', port: 28015}]
botconf: {polling:true} // or Webhooks
Of course you will should to get token from @BotFather and client_id from Imgur here (anonymous usage is enough for us).
- Image generation for quick and competitive games
- Add DB for saving profiles
- Add inline mode support for sharing profile pictures
- Localization on other languages (Contributors are Welcome!)
- Image generation for dedicated heroes
- Ability to use two and more account at once
- Ability to save profile snapshots everyday (for example) to plot some graphs
Feel free to commit and write me PM here!