This GitHub repository holds the data and Starter Kit for my Critical Infrastucture class (ENGL 238) at UC Santa Barbara in the fall quarter of 2018. Also included on my website are a few blog posts that help orient the reader to the unique history and uncertain future of Islais Creek, the aquatic site for which this Starter Kit is about.
- Starter Kit - ArcGIS - Mapping software; GiftedMotion - Gif animation
- Blog posts - Jekyll - Static site generator
- Susan Burtner - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license - see the file for details
- Alan Liu (distinguished professor in the English department at UCSB and prominent scholar of Critical Infrastructure) - provided invaluable instruction within this course and feedback on this project
- Stephen Skilton (old graduate school friend) - suggested using GitHub and Jekyll for my blog posts
- Jon Jablonksi (Collaboratory at UCSB) - listened to my ideas and pointed me to several good resources
- Daisy Muralles (Department of Special Collections, Information Services) - showed me how to use the Special Collections and was genuinely interested in my project
Thank you all!!!