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Releases: schmittjoh/serializer

Fixed BC break introduced with 1.3.0

23 Aug 17:23
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Fixed BC break introduced with #317 and released as 1.3.0

Added "hasData" on generic seialization visitors and other minor bugfixes

21 Aug 13:15
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HHVM & PHP7 support XML features, bugfixes and infrastructure improvements

03 Aug 14:08
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This release includes many improvements and bugfixes, some of them are:
#580 HHVM compatibility
#301 Generate namespaced element on XmlList entries
#595 Fix xml-attribute-map for the xml driver
#611 Allow to not skip empty not inline array root node
#610 Allow to use custom serializer with primitive type
#397 Exclude annotation not preventing attempt to find public methods when using AccessType
#608 Composer is not able to resolve a dependency
#550 Generic way to solve setValue on a property which respects its setter
#584 Test on Travis always high and low deps
#583 Update Symfony validator and allow PHPUnit 7
#399 Added travis-ci label
#553 [doc] fix AccessorOrder documentation
#578 Fixed test suite on master
#577 Fix for a broken test: a missing (incorrectly positioned) argument

Some Yaml Fixes & Improved Twig Support

29 Oct 08:28
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This release improves Twig support and fixes a bug in Yaml serialization.

Further Compatibility Updates and Bug Fixes

23 Jun 19:33
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This release contains updates for newer PHP versions, and also fixes a few edge-cases. Notable in this release:

  • adds convenience toArray and fromArray methods to the Serializer
  • better handling of polymorphic objects in collections
  • fixes some bugs in the YAML metadata format

Some Features & Fixes

07 Apr 06:50
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  • Support for is* and has* methods when changing the accessor policy
  • Support for defining the XML namespace on the root node
  • Ability to set-up your own driver via the SerializerBuilder
  • Better parse error for annotated types


  • Several documentation fixes


  • Composer constraints have been widened to allow to pick more recent versions of dependencies

Several Feature Additions & Bug Fixes

16 Feb 11:38
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  • Native Support for XML Namespaces
  • Ability to force type of elements in arrays when serializing
  • Usage improvements for YML metadata format (shorter, less verbose for simple things)
  • Allow Read-Only to be defined on class level
  • Several Improvements to the documentation

Feature Improvements & Enhanced Compatibility

16 Dec 07:58
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This release contains mostly improvements to existing features and better compatibility for third-party libraries in particular PHPCR.

0.13.0: Merge pull request #130 from youngguns-nl/datatime_doc

17 Aug 18:16
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