The target of this layer is to build images with the best out-of-the-box experience and to support developers with helpers for common tasks. It has its origin Ångström distribution - check
If this variable is set to "1", all armv7a / cortex variants are build as armv7a.
+ Reduce build time/disk-space required when building for multiple machines
- Build optimization (e.g vfp/NEON) is not the best your machine can get
Rules of thumb:
- If you build images for multiple armv7 machines and don't need to tickle the last quarter of your machine's performance: Set MORTSGNA_ARMV7_TUNE="1"
- If you are looking for best optimization for your machine and/or you have a fast build host with lots of disk-space: don't! see for more information
x11-base: Let systemd boot into grahical target
volatile-log: If set, journal goes to volatile /run/log and /var/log is linked to /run/log which is volatile. NOTE: We change OE-Core's default here: In bitbake.conf VOLATILE_LOG_DIR is enabled so that all images are build for volatile log. Since this is far off what others do change the default. See for more information.
- All bbappends are stored in this folder. For each layer a sub-folder exists and the appends are dynamic: If a layer is not in bblayers.conf the folder for the layer is ignored (see conf/layer.conf).
- instant-sysroot-target.bbclass: Create a sysroot for target remote building/debugging - Yocto's suggested workflows are cumbersome for ad-hoc usage.
- instant-sysroot-native.bbclass: Native recipes inheriting this class install everything necessary to run into a native sysroot. For a quick & minimal native SDK gcc-cross and gdb-cross inherit this class. class to enable instant remote debugging.
- user-with-full-skel.bbclass: Helper to populate /etc/skel in user's home at image creation time.
- layer.conf / and distro configurations
- default configurations for lxqt and xfce to get a preconfigured environment. Note that all data is stored in th image at /etc/skel
- unpriv-user: A default non root user (named morona) member of many groups required for daily operations. It is shipped with home folder populated form /etc/skel.
- All images for cinnamon / console / gnome / kde / lxqt / weston / xfce are found in this folder. allgui-images build images for all desktop environments.
- udev-rules-udisks-hide-bootpart: Hide boot partition from udisks
- Some tools (these are the only left from angstrom). Honestly: Have never used them but kept them if users come from angstrom and might miss them.
scripts: A script collection
- to write images or kernel only to sdcards
- for changing recipe checksums automatically after version bump ->
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-oe
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-networking
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-gnome
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-multimedia
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-python
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-xfce
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
Layer: meta-initramfs
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
- Submit any patches against the
layer by using the GitHub pull-request feature.
- Please do not send private emails to maintainers. For questions/suggestions.. use GitHub issues.
- Pull requests should follow OE-Styleguide with the following additions:
- Use 4 spaces for indention always
- For splitting of long list values use four-space indentation on successive lines set the closing quote as the first character (OE-Styleguide - second example)
Layer maintainer: Andreas Müller [email protected]