This project is no longer maintained. See the below fork for an updated library.
A Mastodon social network API implementation in Scala using Akka HTTP and Akka Streams.
This project is in its infancy, but is ready for more testing.
Currently supports Scala versions 2.11 and 2.12.
Uploading media, changing user settings (display name/e-mail/avatar/header), and posting toots with attachments.
I seek to resolve this swiftly.
(I did not resolve this swiftly.)
Simply add the following to your build.sbt file:
libraryDependencies += "ca.schwitzer" %% "scaladon" % "0.3.2"
Tooting a status (using map/flatMap):
package ca.schwitzer.scaladon
import ca.schwitzer.scaladon.Mastodon
import ca.schwitzer.scaladon.models._
import //we need an ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
object MyMastodonApp extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem() //an ActorSystem
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() //and an ActorMaterializer
val appFuture = Mastodon.createApp("", "mycoolapp")
val tokenFuture = appFuture.flatMap(_.login("[email protected]", "thisshouldreallybsupersecure"))
val statusFuture: Future[Status] = appFuture.flatMap { app =>
tokenFuture.flatMap { token =>
app.toot("I'm tooting from the Scaladon API!", StatusVisibilities.Public)(token).map {
case MastodonResponses.Success(elem) => elem
case e: MastodonError => throw e.asThrowable
Fetching an account (using for comprehension):
package ca.schwitzer.scaladon
import ca.schwitzer.scaladon.Mastodon
import ca.schwitzer.scaladon.models._
import //we need an ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
object MyMastodonApp extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem() //an ActorSystem
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() //and an ActorMaterializer
val appFuture = Mastodon.createApp("", "mycoolapp")
val tokenFuture = appFuture.flatMap(_.login("[email protected]", "thisshouldreallybsupersecure"))
val accountFuture: Future[Account] = for {
app <- appFuture
token <- tokenFuture
account <- app.Accounts.fetch(1)(token)
} yield account match {
case MastodonResponses.Success(elem) => elem
case e: MastodonError => throw e.asThrowable
More examples and full code documentation will be coming soon. For now, just take a look at the source code.
I'm Mitchell Schwitzer and I enjoy to work on all sorts of things, especially in Scala.
If you have any questions or recommendations, please get to me at [email protected], or at [email protected] on the Fediverse!