The Helpy Helm chart can be used to launch Helpy Community Edition or Helpy Pro on a Kubernetes cluster. It is designed to work out of the box, but for production use, some customization of the configuration values is recommended.
NOTE: This is currently a beta release and is missing certain features and could have other issues. Please report issues and submit PRs.
You will need a Kubernetes cluster and a system with Helm installed. Then add the Helpy helm repository, using this command:
helm repo add helpyio
helm repo update
To run a Helpy Pro instance, use the following:
helm install release-name helpyio/helpy
To run a Helpy CE instance, use the following:
helm install release-name helpyio/helpy --set image.repository=helpy/helpy --set image.tag=kubernetes --set
This Helm chart is intended to be highly configurable for different needs:
Configuring SSL:
Set up a production database:
Use S3 for object storage:
Full Wiki;
Variable | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| | The name of the app you are running | helpypro |
image.repository | The container to pull from for the app server. | helpyio/helpypro |
image.tag | The tag to pull | latest |
image.pullPolicy | The container pull policy | Always |
appReplicaCount | The number of app servers to run | 2 |
workerReplicaCount | The number of workers to run | 2 |
service.type | The service type | NodePort |
service.externalPort | The port the service should accept traffic to | 80 |
service.internalPort | The port the service forwards traffic to | 3000 |
ingress.enabled | Whether or not to use the ingress. | true |
ingress.annotations | Ingress Annotations | {} | | Hostname to reach the service | Helpy.local |
ingress.hosts.paths | Path to reach the service | ["/"] |
ingress.tls | ||
loadBalancer.enabled | Whether or not to use a LB | true |
loadBalancer.annotations | Annotations to pass to the Load Balancer | {} |
loadBalancer.externalTrafficPolicy | The type of load balancer | Cluster |
Helpy Pod/Rails configurations | Use these settings to adjust how the app runs and resources expected in the pod | |
rails.railsEnv | The environment to run the app in | production |
rails.logToStandardOut | true | |
rails.serveStaticFiles | Whether or not to serve static files. | false |
rails.pumaConcurency | '1' | |
rails.podRam | How much RAM to give each app POD in the cluster | '2048' |
rails.secretKey | The secret key Rails uses. Uses a random string by default | Commented out by default |
rails.sessionDuration | PRO Only. The number of minutes the session is kept alive | 20 |
rails.sessionStore | PRO Only. The rails session store to use. | 'cookie' |
rails.secretKey | The secret key Rails uses | 'your_secret_here' |
Redis Configuration | ||
redis.url | The URL to your redis service | 'redis://redis.default.svc.cluster.local:6379/0/cache' |
redis.port | The Port to your redis service | '6379' |
redis.repository | The redis repository | 'redis' |
redis.tag | The tag of redis to use | 4.0 |
Postgresql configuration | ||
postgres.enabled | Whether or not to use the Postgres container in the cluster | true |
postgres.repository | The repository to get Postgres from | postgres |
postgres.tag | The container version of Postgres to use | 10.7-alpine |
postgres.capacity | The size of the DB | 24Gi | | The host url of the Postgres service | postgres |
postgres.port | The port to connect to the Postgres service | '5432' |
postgres.db | The name of the Database to connect to | 'helpy_production' |
postgres.user | The username to log in to the database | 'postgres' |
postgres.password | The password used to log in to the database | 'helpy' |
Storage Configuration- Helpy looks for a S3 compatible store for attachments, images, etc. | ||
storage.remote | Whether file storage is enabled or not | true |
storage.key | The S3 key of the file store | yourkey |
storage.secret | The S3 secret of the file store | yoursecret |
storage.region | The region of the file store | sfo2 |
storage.endPoint | The endPoint of the storage service | endpoint |
storage.bucketName | The bucketname where files should be stored | helpy-k8s |
IMAP service- whether or not to connect to an IMAP server to fetch tickets | ||
imap.enabled | Whether or not to fetch tickets from an IMAP box | false |
imap.frequencyInMinutes | How often to check for new tickets in minutes | 1 |
Helpy Pro License- You can add your license here | ||
license.keyName | This is the URL of the site you have licensed | |
license.key | The license key given to you by Helpy | your_key |
To provide your own values, you can either make a copy of the values.yaml
file, or pass variables in the command line
using the -set
To customize values.yml
, first copy values.yaml
to values.override.yaml
and add your customizations. Then run to use your customizations:
helm install -f values.override.yaml release-name helpyio/helpy
To pass values in the command line, install using
helm install release-name helpyio/helpy -s variable=value -s variable2=value
Copyright 2021,, Inc, Scott Miller and Contributors. This Helm chart is released under the MIT License.