a template for building JupyterHub environments with Repo2Docker and GitHub Actions CI
click the "Use this template" button to create your own repo
create DockerHub account that matches your GitHub username (could make this configurable) For example: https://hub.docker.com/u/scottyhq
add DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD to repo encrypyted secrets https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets
modify readme links and any files in the
folder -
build with GitHub Actions by pushing to GitHub
- commits to master branch trigger re-building image tagged by github short sha and 'latest'
git commit -a -m "modified binder/environment to my liking"
git push
- pushing a tag results in a docker image with the same tag:
git tag -am "tagging 2.3.2" 2.3.2
git push --tags
export IMAGE=scottyhq/repo2docker-github
export TAG=latest
docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/$IMAGE:$TAG
docker run -it --name repo2docker -p 8888:8888 $IMAGE:$TAG jupyter lab --ip
docker stop repo2docker
docker rm repo2docker
Now that you have images on DockerHub, you can re-use them in many ways. For example, create a BinderHub compatible content repository with 'binder' branch that points to a specific image. All your notebooks and scripts can be in the 'master' branch, and are pulled into a BinderHub session with nbgitpuller. Structuring things this way means that changes to your scripts won't trigger rebuilding large images: https://github.com/scottyhq/githubci-binder-example
If you want to check out the build settings for a particular image from https://hub.docker.com/r/scottyhq/repo2docker-githubci/tags, you can return to previous GitHub states with the commit tag. For the tag/short sha 0578e49
we can review the specific commit https://github.com/scottyhq/repo2docker-githubci/commit/0578e49
or entire repository https://github.com/scottyhq/repo2docker-githubci/tree/0578e49
at that point in time.
You can also retrive the final list of conda packages installed by looking at the workflow artifact. The first line gets the full commit sha from the short sha:
LONGSHA=`curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/scottyhq/repo2docker-githubci/commits/0578e49 | jq ".sha”`
open https://github.com/scottyhq/repo2docker-githubci/commit/$LONGSHA/checks