rewrite of the old Scripty in general
should work, officially supported if you're using linux:
only supports linux, will not support any other OS, especially not windows
WSL does not count as linux, use a VM at the very least (although good luck getting GPU passthrough)
- rust: (nightly)
- postgresql: (tested with 15.3)
- redis: (tested with 7.0.12)
- mold linker
- clang (for mold)
- pkg-config (libopus dependency)
- stt-service: (latest, refer to its README for more info)
- arch: has the easiest install process for the latest versions of everything, and is what scripty runs on in production
- debian: has old versions of stuff (that will likely still work) but is still a lot better than the dumpster fire that is ubuntu
sudo pacman -S postgresql redis mold clang base-devel pkgconf
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
git clone
cd scripty
cargo install sqlx-cli # skip if you already have it
sudo -u postgres createuser scripty -P # will prompt for password
sudo -u postgres createdb -O scripty scripty
cp .env.example .env
nano .env # edit DATABASE_URL to match your URL
cargo sqlx migrate run
double check pg_hba.conf
and postgresql.conf
if you get a connection error
cargo build --release
# or if you want a more optimized build
# takes about 3.5 minutes on a 13700K vs 45s for the normal build
# probably not worth it for casual users
cargo build --profile release-full
cp config.toml.example config.toml
nano config.toml # edit to your liking
# note stt
same as above, but build with --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
and execute ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/scripty_v2
on arch also install the musl