This is a Python package for the pysparkonk8s
Apache Airflow provider. All classes for this provider are
located in the airflow.providers.pysparkonk8s
python package.
This provider package extends the default Airflow functionalities by introducing the PySparkOnK8s
operator and
decorator that can both be used to run
PySpark code as Airflow tasks on a Kubernetes-hosted
Apache Airflow cluster.
The provider will automatically initialize an Apache Spark cluster in either Client
modes in an easily-configurable and
transparent way to the user. Spark Connect is also
When running Spark in Client
mode, the provider will provision a Spark cluster configuring Kubernetes as master, and
will instantiate one Spark Driver pod and one or more Spark Executor pods depending on the configuration.
The Spark Driver will coincide with the Airflow Worker pod running the task. This has several benefits, including a seamless integration with Airflow's TaskFlow API, and access to Airflow Variables, Connections and XComs from within the PySpark code.
The Worker pod's requests and limits are dynamically mutated by the provider to match the Spark Driver's configuration. The Spark Driver will then provision the Executor pods by communicating directly with the Kubernetes API. Once the Airflow task is over, the Spark pods are destroyed and the related provisioned resources are automatically released.
To minimize networking bottlenecks and costs, Spark Executor Pods should be placed close to each other and possibly
close to the Spark Driver. Unless otherwise specified, the pysparkonk8s
provider will generate pod affinity rules
to try to ensure the following pod placement:
- try to spawn executors on the same node as the driver pod;
- otherwise, try to spawn executors on the same node as the other executor pods;
- otherwise, try to spawn executors in the same availability zone as the driver pod;
- finally, try to spawn executors in the same availability zone as the other executor pods.
These affinity rules are generated dynamically on a per-task basis, which means that concurrent Airflow PySpark Tasks with their own Spark Drivers and Executors will not affect each other's pod placement.
In Local
mode, Spark runs both Driver and Executor components on a single JVM. It is the simplest mode of deployment and
is mostly used for testing and debugging.
Similarly to the Client
mode, the Airflow Worker pod's requests and limits are dynamically mutated by the provider to
match the provided Spark configuration. No Executor pods will be instantiated in this case.
The provider also supports running PySpark code on an existing Spark Connect cluster. Please be aware that some Spark functionalities might not be supported when using Spark Connect.
In this scenario, the provider allows users to easily connect to an existing Sparck Connect cluster with minimal configuration.
The following example shows how to use the @task.pyspark_on_k8s
decorator. Note that the spark parameter (the
actual Spark Session) is injected by the decorator.
from airflow.decorators import task
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, types as t
def spark_task(spark: SparkSession) -> None:
data = [
("James", "", "Smith", "36636", "M", 3000),
("Michael", "Rose", "", "40288", "M", 4000),
("Robert", "", "Williams", "42114", "M", 4000),
("Maria", "Anne", "Jones", "39192", "F", 4000),
("Jen", "Mary", "Brown", "", "F", -1),
schema = t.StructType([
t.StructField("firstname", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("middlename", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("lastname", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("id", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("gender", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("salary", t.IntegerType(), True),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema)
Alternatively, the same result can be achieved using the PySparkOnK8sOperator
from airflow.providers.pysparkonk8s.operators import PySparkOnK8sOperator
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, types as t
def spark_task(spark: SparkSession) -> None:
data = [
("James", "", "Smith", "36636", "M", 3000),
("Michael", "Rose", "", "40288", "M", 4000),
("Robert", "", "Williams", "42114", "M", 4000),
("Maria", "Anne", "Jones", "39192", "F", 4000),
("Jen", "Mary", "Brown", "", "F", -1),
schema = t.StructType([
t.StructField("firstname", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("middlename", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("lastname", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("id", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("gender", t.StringType(), True),
t.StructField("salary", t.IntegerType(), True),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema)
pyspark_operator_task = PySparkOnK8sOperator(task_id="spark_task", python_callable=spark_task)
Several usage examples are available in the examples/dags/
Instructions on how to set up a local testing environment with minikube are available here.
The provider requires Apache Airflow v2.6.0 or later.
The provider requires the Airflow deployment to be configured with a Kubernetes-based executor, i.e. one of the following:
To allow the creation of Executor pods in Kubernetes clusters with RBAC enabled, it is essential to configure the Spark Driver/Airflow Worker pod's service account with an appropriate role.
By default, the Spark Driver/Airflow Worker pod is assigned a Kubernetes service account named airflow-worker
. This
service account is used to interact with the Kubernetes API server for the creation and monitoring of executor pods.
The required role and role binding can be set up using the pysparkonk8s-addon
Helm Chart available in this repository.
For an exhaustive list of dependencies please refer to the pyproject.toml file.
This project was tested with Python version 3.10 and Apache Airflow version 2.8.1.
We set the following environment variables that will be used throughout the environment setup.
export PYTHON_VERSION="3.10"
export AIRFLOW_VERSION="2.8.1"
The provided package can be installed in a reproducible way with the following command:
pip install apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \
git+ \
--constraint "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt"
or (if git is missing):
pip install apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \ \
--constraint "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt"
Usually, after completing the reproducible installation, you can incorporate additional dependencies and providers by executing separate commands. This approach allows you the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade dependencies as needed, without being constrained by specific limitations. A recommended practice is to extend the pip install command with the pinned version of apache-airflow that you have already installed. This precaution ensures that apache-airflow is not inadvertently upgraded or downgraded by pip during the process.
An example of how to build a Docker image with the pysparkonk8s
provider is available in the docker/
See the related documentation for more details.
The chart/
folder contains the pysparkonk8s-addon
Helm Chart that installs the required role and role-binding
for the provider.
The docs/
folder contains the compiled Helm package and serves it as a self-hosted Helm repository via GitHub Pages.
See the related documentation for more details.
To install the addon in the airflow
namespace use the following command:
helm repo add pysparkonk8s
helm upgrade --install pysparkonk8s pysparkonk8s/pysparkonk8s-addon --namespace airflow
Ensure that your testing environment has:
- Airflow 2.6.0 or later. You can check your version by running
airflow version
. - All provider packages that your DAG uses.
- An initialized Airflow metadata database, if your DAG uses elements of the metadata database like XComs. The Airflow
metadata database is created when Airflow is first run in an environment. You can check that it exists with
airflow db check
and initialize a new database withairflow db migrate
(airflow db init
in Airflow versions pre-2.7).
From a terminal run the following command to clone the project and navigate into the newly created folder:
git clone
cd apache-airflow-providers-pysparkonk8s
The project dependencies for testing are provided in the requirements-dev.txt
file. We recommend creating a dedicated
Conda environment for managing
the dependencies.
Set up and activate Conda environment with the following command:
conda create --name pysparkonk8s python=${PYTHON_VERSION} -y
conda activate pysparkonk8s
Install the current package and its dependencies with the following command launched from the root of the project:
pip install apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \
. \
--requirement requirements-dev.txt \
--constraint "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt"
The provider can also be installed in editable mode by providing the --editable
pip install apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \
--editable . \
--requirement requirements-dev.txt \
--constraint "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-${PYTHON_VERSION}.txt"
Airflow requires a Database Backend to manage its metadata. In production environments, you should consider setting up a database backend to PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MSSQL. By default, Airflow uses SQLite, which is intended for development purposes only.
For testing purposes SQLite can be used. To initialize the SQLite database please execute the following commands:
export AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db
airflow db migrate
This will create the airflow.db
file in your current folder. This file is already included in .gitignore
, however
please make sure you are not accidentally adding it to git if you change the default file path.
If you have any issues in setting up the SQLite database please refer to the official Airflow documentation.
The tests (available in the tests/
folder) can be run with the following commands.
export AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db
export AIRFLOW_HOME=airflow_home
pytest tests/
To run the tests with coverage make sure you install the provider with the --editable
The test coverage can then be computed by running the following commands.
export AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db
export AIRFLOW_HOME=airflow_home
coverage run --source=./airflow -m pytest tests/
coverage report