PyDDoZ is a powerful, human-friendly DDoS tool using application layer (L7) attack techniques. It has nice logging, proxifying, automated bots requests, randomizing data, multiple HTTP request methods, and many other features! Apply load/stress tests to your web application in various ways easily. Written in Python.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ git clone
$ cd pyddoz
$ python3
PyDDoZ provides an interactive shell for users.
- URLs have to given with http:// or https://. Do not give only domain name!
- You can enter multiple URLs with a blank space. It will request randomly one of them for every request.
Or give just one URL.
- Select one of the request method. POST and PUT require data to post!
After selecting POST or PUT, you can randomize the data for every request!
For instance, username=admin&query=hello
will be sent as username=[RANDOMSTR]&query=[RANDOMSTR]
RANDOMSTR could be any random string that was generated at backstage. You can determine maximum length of the random generated string.
If you like to use in argument mode rather than interactive mode, take a look at the parameters.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] -u U [-m {g,p,u,h,o,d}] [-d D] [-r {y,n}] [-mr MR]
[-b {y,n}] [-ob {y,n}] [-t T] [-th TH] [-s S] [-re RE]
[-p {y,n}] [-rd {y,n}]
PyDDoZ Argument Parser v1.0.0
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u U URL
-m {g,p,u,h,o,d} GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE? [G/P/U/H/O/D]
-d D Post or Put Data
-r {y,n} Randomize Data
-mr MR Max Random Character
-b {y,n} Activate Bots
-ob {y,n} Only Bots
-t T Timeout
-th TH Threads
-s S Sleep Time Between Threads
-re RE Retries
-p {y,n} Proxy
-rd {y,n} Redirection
- Activation of bots: In addition to standard requests, they will also hit and crawl the target URL. (This feature is experimental and not powerful for now, feel free to send PR to improve and add new bots.)
- Timeout: Maximum waiting time request to be responded. (Recommended value is higher than 5.)
- Threads: Number of threads to involve the attack. (Large number of threads could lead connection and system errors!)
- Sleeping time between threads (seconds): 0 to non-wait, or you can give floating number such as 0.25, 0.5, or 0.87 etc.
- Retries after failure: You can force requests to retry again.
- Proxy: After selecting this option, fresh and live proxies will be fetched and used randomly! No need to enter proxies manually.
- Allowing redirections: If target responds with 302 or 301 code, you may allow redirections, but most of the time not required.
For educational purposes only.