Project SensorWeb is a crowdsourcing sensor network.
We believe that open data can help revealing significant residential information and making lives better.
PM2.5 pilot website provides simple ways for users to discover relevant air quality data and contribute to the network.
This website is still in early beta,
let us know if any questions and comments.
You'll need to have the following stuff installed on your machine.
Clone source code from repo:
git clone
cd project-pm25
Make a copy of he config file and change your settings
cp config.js.sample config.js
Install node.js dependencies
npm install
Create schema and load data into database for the first time.
cd data
echo "{}" > 3rdPartyData.json
echo "{}" > stations.json
echo "{}" > redirect.json
cp aqiTable.json.sample aqiTable.json
node ./createSchema.js
./ --freq=daily
Set up hourly job to update data from external source
00 0-3,5-23 * * * cd ~/project-pm25/data/ && ./ --freq=hourly
Set up daily job to update new sensor locations and data from external source
00 4 * * * cd ~/project-pm25/data/ && ./ --freq=daily
Update GeoIP database every month (and don't forget to reload database into memory).
30 03 7 * * cd ~/project-pm25/data/ && ./