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The mobile application for Valkyrie written in Flutter.

For the APK check out the Release tab.



  • Flutter

  • Bloc and Cubit for state management

  • get_it for dependency injection

  • REST for data fetching and websockets for real time events

For all features check out the parent repository. For the version check out the v1 branch.

The architecture of this app is based on Reso Coder's Domain Driven Design Principles:

DDD architecture

Application contains all the Use Cases

Domain contains the business logic (entities and validation)

Infrastructure contains the repositories and network calls as well as Data Transfer Objects

Presentation contains all the UI components and the web sockets


This app was created and tested on Flutter 3.0.0 and Dart 2.17.0 .

git clone
cd ValkyrieApp
flutter packages get

For debug mode run flutter run and for production mode run flutter run --release

To run the code generator using freezed, run flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs.

If you want to use your own server you will need to change the BaseUrl in InjectableModule.

If said server runs locally you will also need to add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" to the Android manifest.

Note: Instead of localhost you need to specify your IPv4 Address (e.g., otherwise the HttpClient won't be able to connect to the server.


Tests were written for all Use Cases in the Application directory and the repositories and DTOs in the Infrastructure directory.

To run all tests run flutter test

Additional Information

This app was tested and is working on Android and the general design is based on Discord's Android version.

The iOS version will need additional configuration done to the packages to run. As I do not own a Mac I cannot work on it.


Reso Coder: This app's structure is based on his DDD tutorial and the tests are based on his TDD tutorial.