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Tokens with User Pools

This demo shows the real cognito three tokens in the aws document Using Tokens with User Pools. It also helps you to fully undertand how the payload looks like.


  • create cognito user pool. You can reference the serverless stack in create_coginto_userpool
  • create at least one user in cognito user pool. If you want to create new user with command, reference You need login aws console to manually confirm and active it.
  • update username, password, user pool id and client id in config.json. There is a sample file for your reference: config.json.sample



$ npm install cognito-token
$ cp config.json.sample config.json
# edit config.json
$ cognito-token config.json

userData: {"Username":"bill","Pool":{"userPoolId":"....
Result methods: idToken,refreshToken,accessToken,clockDrift
idToken methods: jwtToken,payload
accessToken methods: jwtToken,payload
refreshToken methods: token
ID token payload's method: sub,email_verified,gender,iss,phone_number_verified,cognito:username,given_name,aud,event_id,token_use,auth_time,phone_number,exp,iat,family_name,email
user's mailbox: [email protected]
ID Token: eyJraWQiOiJoTxxxxVtZm1K5wZmIFA
Access token: eyJraWQiOixxxxy5H5LaCQTw
Refresh token: eyJjdHkiOixxxx8twwVe2CnDKMig

You should get three tokens: id token, access token and refresh token

I also added codes to show how to get these three token's methods and how to show the user's attributes, for example, his/her email box.