This demo shows the real cognito three tokens in the aws document Using Tokens with User Pools. It also helps you to fully undertand how the payload looks like.
- create cognito user pool. You can reference the serverless stack in create_coginto_userpool
- create at least one user in cognito user pool. If you want to create new user with command, reference
. You need login aws console to manually confirm and active it. - update username, password, user pool id and client id in
. There is a sample file for your reference:config.json.sample
$ npm install cognito-token
$ cp config.json.sample config.json
# edit config.json
$ cognito-token config.json
userData: {"Username":"bill","Pool":{"userPoolId":"....
Result methods: idToken,refreshToken,accessToken,clockDrift
idToken methods: jwtToken,payload
accessToken methods: jwtToken,payload
refreshToken methods: token
ID token payload's method: sub,email_verified,gender,iss,phone_number_verified,cognito:username,given_name,aud,event_id,token_use,auth_time,phone_number,exp,iat,family_name,email
user's mailbox: [email protected]
ID Token: eyJraWQiOiJoTxxxxVtZm1K5wZmIFA
Access token: eyJraWQiOixxxxy5H5LaCQTw
Refresh token: eyJjdHkiOixxxx8twwVe2CnDKMig
You should get three tokens: id token, access token and refresh token
I also added codes to show how to get these three token's methods and how to show the user's attributes, for example, his/her email box.