ARC (Alkali Rydberg Calculator) is package of routines writen in Python, using object-oriented programming (OOP) to make modular, reusable and extendable collection of routines and data for performing useful calculations of single atom and two-atom properties, like level diagrams, interactions and transition strengths for alkali metal atoms.
For installation instructions and documentation see online documentation on Read The Docs.
For examples of use check IPython notebook in .html or download .ipynb interactive notebook.
For online access to a selection of package functions see online Atom Calculator.
If you want to contribute to the project, check this page.
Nikola Šibalić, Jonathan D. Pritchard, Charles S. Adams, Kevin J. Weatherill
Please cite as: N. Šibalić, J. D. Pritchard, K. J. Weatherill, C. S. Adams, ARC: An open-source library for calculating properties of alkali Rydberg atoms, (submitted to Computer Physics Communications), arXiv:1612.05529
All the files distributed with this program are provided subject to the BSD-3-Clause licence. A copy of the license is provided.