This app was made to show programming skills and knowledge in Android development & Clean Architecture pattern. It's very small and compact.
- displaying crypto list from CoinGecko API along with price and price change in last 24h
- searching by user input
- sorting by market cap or alphabetically
Most of UI components which are used in application are part of my other project - library Serfa Design. You can find more details here:
- Retrofit
- Coroutines
- Kotlin Flow
- Clean Architecture
- Room database
- Navigation Graph
- Circle CI (base implementation of unit and UI tests)
- Spotless check in Circle CI after opening PR
- StateEvent - I added this to handle single time events - like showing snackbars, toasts or navigating to different screens after fetching some data
- UseCase - base UseCase class that can be used globally
- Dividing packages according to Clean Architecture pattern along with domain / data / presentation model mappers
One of the goals is to add user possibility to save favorites cryptos and display them in different tab / screen. Implementation of room database is partly ready.
User should be able to enter crypto details screen after clicking on it on the list. In that screen app should display some additional details like for example charts.