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Yurly is a lightweight MVC routing library for PHP 7


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Yurly is a lightweight web MVC routing library for PHP 7. It's easy to get started, requires almost zero configuration, and can run within existing projects without a major rewrite.

It also supports a multi-site implementation right out of the box.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Basic Routing
  3. Route Parameters
  4. Accepting Multiple Request Types
  5. Middleware
  6. Custom Request/Response Classes
  7. Dependency Injected Parameters
  8. Custom Route Resolvers
  9. Multi-site Setup
  10. Using ymake Helper
  11. Unit Testing


In composer.json:

    "require": {
        "shaggy8871/yurly": "^2.0"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^8"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Myapp\\": "./src/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Tests\\": "./tests/"

Replace Myapp with the name of your project.

Then run:

composer install

Create your project

Once composer dependencies are installed, run the following to create a basic project file structure, along with your first set of controllers and tests:

vendor/bin/ymake project

If all works as planned, you should see output as follows:

Creating project structure:
  âś…  Created ./src
  âś…  Created ./src/Controllers
  âś…  Created ./src/Models
  âś…  Created ./src/Views
  âś…  Created ./src/Views/cache
  âś…  Created ./src/Views/base.html.twig
  âś…  Created ./tests
  âś…  Created ./tests/Bootstrap.php

Creating Index controller:
  âś…  Created ./src/Controllers/Index.php
  âś…  Created ./src/Models/Index.php
  âś…  Created ./src/Views/Index
  âś…  Created ./src/Views/Index/default.html.twig

Creating test Index controller:
  âś…  Created ./tests/Controllers/IndexTest.php

Creating document root:
  âś…  Created public
  âś…  Created public/index.php

To test the website, run the following:

php -S localhost:8000 -t public/

Then open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.

To run unit tests:


Basic Routing

By default, routes are determined based on the controller class name and method name.

URL Routes To Notes
/ Index/routeDefault
/about About/routeDefault or Index/routeAbout Yurly will try both in order
/about/our-story About/routeOur_Story "-" is auto-converted to "_"

Controllers must extend the Yurly\Core\Controller class, and must contain at least one method name prefixed with the word route.

Request and Response classes can be injected into any route method. The first Response class found will be used to render any value returned from the route* method.

Example src/Controllers/Index.php file:


namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Yurly\Inject\Request\Get;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\{Twig, Json};

class Index extends Controller

     * This is the home page
    public function routeDefault(Get $request, Twig $response): array
        return [
            'title' => 'Welcome to Yurly',
            'content' => 'You\'re on the home page. You can customize this view in Myapp/Views/Index/default.html.twig.'

     * This is an example about us page
    public function routeAbout(Get $request, Twig $response): array
        return [
            'title' => 'About Us',
            'content' => 'You can customize this page in <Yourapp>/Views/Index/about.html.twig.'

     * This is an example route with JSON response
    public function routeJson(Get $request, Json $response): array
        return [
            'title' => 'JSON',
            'content' => 'This will be output in JSON format',
            'params' => $request->toArray(), // be aware - unsanitised! 


Route Parameters

Route parameters can be specified using a @canonical docblock statement above the route.


namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Yurly\Inject\Request\RouteParams;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\Json;

class Example extends Controller

     * @canonical /example/:requiredParam(/:optionalParam)
    public function routeDefault(RouteParams $request, Json $response)
        return $request->toArray();

         *  You can also access route parameters via:
         *  - $request->requiredParam
         *  - $request->optionalParam


In the example above, calling /example/hello/world will return a JSON response as follows:


Accepting Multiple Request Types

The generic Request class has helper functions that can be used to extract multiple request types.


namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Yurly\Inject\Request\Request;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\Json;

class Example extends Controller

    public function routeDefault(Request $request, Json $response)
        // GET parameters
        $getParams = $request->get();

        // POST parameters
        $postParameters = $request->post();

         *  You can access get/post parameters via:
         *  - $getParams->paramName
         *  - $postParams->paramName



Yurly exposes options for middleware code to run before and after a route is called.


For each route, adding a @before docblock above the method declaration will run the designated methods before calling the route. This may, for instance, be used to point the user to an alternative route, or to look up additional metadata before the route code runs. Middleware may be specified as either the name of the method to call, or if outside the controller, in the form Controller::method. Multiple methods may be specified as a comma-delimited list and will be run in the order supplied.

To alter the route that gets rendered, middleware should return an alternative route as a string in the form Controller::routeMethod.

To run code before all routes in a controller are called, add a beforeAllRoutes() method to the controller. This will be run before all @before docblock methods are called.


The @after docblock will call the designated class methods after the route has run. Each middleware method will receive a copy of the response, and may alter it before it renders to the browser. Multiple methods may be specified as a comma-delimited list and will be run in the order supplied.

To run middleware after all routes in a controller are called, add an afterAllRoutes() method to the controller. This code will be run before all @after docblock methods are called.



namespace Myapp\Middleware;

use Yurly\Core\{Url, Context};

trait Auth

    public function isLoggedIn(Url $url, Context $context): ?string
        $caller = $context->getCaller();
        $annotations = $caller->getAnnotations();

        // The @role docblock isn't required, it's a suggestion
        $roles = [];
        if (isset($annotations['role'])) {
            $roles = explode(', ', $annotations['role']);

        if (!$this->authenticate($roles)) {
            return 'User::routeLogout';
        return null;

    private function authenticate(array $roles): bool
        // Add your auth code here




namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Yurly\Inject\Request\Get;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\Twig;
use Myapp\Middleware\Auth;

class Admin extends Controller

    use Auth;

     * @before isLoggedIn
     * @role admin
    public function routeDefault(Get $request, Twig $response): array
        return [
            'message' => 'Welcome!'



Middleware methods are able to use a class called MiddlewareState to check the response from the previous middleware method, and to stop the router from calling subsequent middleware methods if need be.

Calling stop() does not prevent the route from being called. It only prevents subsequent middleware methods from being called.



namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\Twig;
use Yurly\Middleware\MiddlewareState;
use Myapp\Models\User;
use Myapp\Models\AdminPermissions;

class Admin extends Controller

    private $user;
    private $permissions;

     * @before isLoggedIn, hasPermission
    public function routeDefault(Twig $response): array
        return [
            'user' => $this->user,
            'permissions' => $this->permissions,

    public function isLoggedIn(MiddlewareState $state): ?string
        $this->user = User::getLoggedIn();
        if (!($this->user instanceof User)) {
            // Don't call hasPermission, go straight to login route
            return 'User::routeLogin';
        return null;

    public function hasPermission(MiddlewareState $state): ?string
        $this->permissions = AdminPermissions::getPermissions($this->user);
        if (empty($this->permissions)) {
            // Go to access denied route
            return 'User::routeAccessDenied';
        return null;


Custom Request/Response Classes

Custom Request and Response classes may be created to supply additional functionality not already supplied by the built-in classes. Examples include additional input sources, improved input sanitisation and output data mapping.

Model Lookup and Data Mapper Example



namespace Myapp\Models;

class User

    public $fname;
    public $lname;
    //... more props

    // Example find method
    public static function findById(int $id): ?self
        if ($id == 1) {
            $instance = new static();
            $instance->fname = 'First name';
            $instance->lname = 'Last name';
            return $instance;
        return null;




namespace Myapp\Inject\Request;

use Yurly\Inject\Request\RouteParams;
use Myapp\Models\User;

class UserFinder extends RouteParams

    public function find(): ?User
        $userId = filter_var($this->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
        if ($userId) {
            return User::findById($userId);
        return null;




namespace Myapp\Inject\Response;

use Yurly\Inject\Response\Json;
use Myapp\Models\User;

class UserJsonDataMapper extends Json

     * Render parameters with data mapping
    public function render($params = null): void
        if ($params instanceof User) {
                'first_name' => $params->fname,
                'last_name'  => $params->lname,

            'error' => 'User Not Found'




namespace Myapp\Controllers;

use Yurly\Core\Controller;
use Myapp\Inject\Request\UserFinder;
use Myapp\Inject\Response\UserJsonDataMapper;
use Myapp\Models\User as UserModel;

class User extends Controller

     * @canonical /user/:id
    public function routeDefault(UserFinder $request, UserJsonDataMapper $response): ?UserModel
        return $request->find();


Dependency Injected Parameters

Yurly does not include native support for dependency injection outside of Request and Response classes, but it's easy enough to add a PSR-11 compatible DI solution through composer. Here's an example using PHP-DI:


composer require php-di/php-di



namespace Myapp;

use Yurly\Core\Project;
use DI\Container;

class Config

    public function __construct(Project $project)
        $container = new Container();



class Index extends Controller
     * Yurly\Core\Project must always be the first parameter
    public function __construct(Project $project, \Myapp\Models\User $user)
        // $user is instantiated and ready

    public function routeWithDI(\Myapp\Models\User $user)
        // $user is instantiated and ready

Custom Route Resolvers

If you have routes that don't follow the controller/method approach, it's easy to create a custom route resolver class that can handle custom routing.

Create a class called RouteResolver at the base of your project directory, and ensure it implements RouteResolverInterface. It must contain one method called resolve that returns a route in the format Controller::method. Any other return value will be ignored.


namespace Myapp;

use Yurly\Core\{Project, Url};
use Yurly\Core\Interfaces\RouteResolverInterface;
use Yurly\Core\Utils\RegExp;

class RouteResolver implements RouteResolverInterface

    public function resolve(Project $project, Url $url)
        $routes = [
                'match' => new RegExp('/^\/[a-z0-9]+\/product\/[a-z0-9]+\/?$/'),
                'route' => 'Products::routeSearch',
            //... add your match/routes here

        foreach($routes as $route) {
            if ($route['match']->matches($url->requestUri)) {
                return $route['route'];


Multi-site Setup

In composer.json, add a psr-4 autoload for each unique namespace, for example:

    "name": "example",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=7.2.0",
        "shaggy8871/yurly": "^2.0",
        "twig/twig": "^2.0"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^8"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Site1\\": "./src/Site1/",
            "Site2\\": "./src/Site2/"

In public/index.php, enter a project row for each unique domain:

include_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

use Yurly\Core\{Project, Init};

$projects = [
    new Project('', 'Site1', './src'),
    new Project('', 'Site2', './src'),

$app = new Init($projects);

// Start 'em up

Create a Controllers directory within both /src/Site1 and /src/Site2 and add your Index.php controller class. You may also create Models, Views and any other directories as may be required.

If you need to support multiple hosts for a project, you can either pass in an array of hosts, or use a RegExp helper class as follows:

// Array of hosts per project:
$projects = [
    new Project(['', ''], 'Site1', './src'),
    new Project(['', ''], 'Site2', './src'),


use Yurly\Core\Utils\RegExp;

// RegExp helper class:
$projects = [
    new Project(new RegExp('/^.*\.site1\.com$/'), 'Site1', './src'),
    new Project(new RegExp('/^.*\.site2\.com$/'), 'Site2', './src'),

Using ymake Helper

Yurly ships with a helper application called ymake. You can use the helper to create a project, set of controller, model and view files, or an index.php file.

  1. Add an autoload namespace to composer.json, for example:
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Site1\\": "./src/Site1/",
            "Site2\\": "./src/Site2/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Tests\\Site1\\": "./tests/Site1/",
            "Tests\\Site2\\": "./tests/Site2/"
  1. Run the appropriate command to generate scripts:
Command Creates Notes
vendor/bin/ymake project A full project, including an Index controller
vendor/bin/ymake controller A controller, model and view Project must exist first
vendor/bin/ymake index An index.php file
vendor/bin/ymake test A unit test class Requires autoload-dev in composer.json

You will be prompted for further details based on the command used.

Unit Testing

Yurly extends PHPUnit's TestCase class with additional methods to help with testing of routes. Here's a simple example:


namespace Tests\Controllers;

use Yurly\Test\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testRoute()
        $response = $this

        $this->assertEquals($response, ['message' => 'Welcome!']);


If you prefer to capture the full route response output, just call the route as follows:


namespace Tests\Controllers;

use Yurly\Test\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testRoute()
        $this->expectOutputString('<h1>Welcome to Yurly!</h1>');

        $response = $this


You can mock request classes in order to test your controllers with different inputs.

The class type declared in the route method cannot be changed.


namespace Tests\Controllers;

use Yurly\Test\TestCase;
use Yurly\Inject\Request\Get;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testRouteWithRequestMock()

        $mockRequest = $this->getRequestMock(Get::class, function(Get $self) {
            $self->setProps(['hello' => 'World']);

        $response = $this
                Get::class => $mockRequest

        $this->assertEquals($response, ['message' => 'World']);


To test generic Request classes (where the request method is unknown in advance, or where multiple inputs are expected within a single request), use the setTypeProps method to configure props for each request type. To set the default request method, pass requestMethod via array as a second parameter to the $this->setUrl() method.

$this->setUrl('/', [
    'requestMethod' => 'POST'

$mockRequest = $this->getRequestMock(Request::class, function(Request $self) {
    $self->setTypeProps(Request::TYPE_POST, [
        'var1' => 'val1',
        'var2' => 'val2',
        'var3' => 'val3',
    $self->setTypeProps(Request::TYPE_GET, [
        'query' => 'test'

You can mock the response class as well, and capture the output before it renders.

You cannot pass a mock Request class to getRouteResponse as it already uses one to capture the output. Instead, use the callRouteWithMocks method.


namespace Tests\Controllers;

use Yurly\Test\TestCase;
use Yurly\Inject\Response\Twig;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testRouteWithResponseMock()

        $mockResponse = $this->getResponseMock(Twig::class, function(array $params) {
            $this->assertEquals($params, ['message' => 'Welcome!']);

                Twig::class => $mockResponse




Yurly is a lightweight MVC routing library for PHP 7







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