Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail - Mojolicious Plugin for send mail
# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'mail';
# Mojolicious with config
$self->plugin(mail => {
from => '[email protected]',
type => 'text/html',
# in controller
to => '[email protected]',
subject => 'Test',
data => 'use Perl or die;',
# in controller, using render
$self->mail(to => '[email protected]', template => 'controller/action', format => 'mail');
# template: controller/action.mail.ep
% stash subject => 'Test';
use Perl or die;
Mojolicous::Plugin::Mail is a plugin for Mojolicious apps to send mail using MIME::Lite. Mojolicious 4.0 ready.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail contains two helpers: mail and render_mail.
# simple interface
to => '[email protected]',
from => '[email protected]',
reply_to => '[email protected]',
cc => '..',
bcc => '..',
type => 'text/plain',
subject => 'Test',
data => 'use Perl or die;',
# interface as MIME::Lite
# test mode
test => 1,
# as MIME::Lite->new( ... )
mail => {
To => '[email protected]',
Subject => 'Test',
Data => 'use Perl or die;',
attach => [
# as MIME::Lite->attach( .. )
{ ... },
headers => [
# as MIME::Lite->add( .. )
{ ... },
attr => [
# as MIME::Lite->attr( .. )
{ ... },
Build and send email, return mail as string.
Supported parameters:
Header 'To' of mail.
Header 'From' of mail.
Header 'Reply-To' of mail.
Header 'Cc' of mail.
Header 'Bcc' of mail.
Content type of mail, default is conf's type.
Header 'Subject' of mail.
Content of mail
Hashref, containts parameters as new(PARAMHASH). See MIME::Lite.
Arrayref of hashref, hashref containts parameters as attach(PARAMHASH). See MIME::Lite.
Arrayref of hashref, hashref containts parameters as add(TAG, VALUE). See MIME::Lite.
Arrayref of hashref, hashref containts parameters as attr(ATTR, VALUE). See MIME::Lite.
Test mode, don't send mail.
Charset of mail, default charset is UTF-8.
Using mimeword or not, default value is 1.
No using 'X-Mailer' header of mail, default value is 1.
If no subject, uses value of stash parameter 'subject'.
If no data, call render_mail helper with all stash parameters.
my $data = $self->render_mail('user/signup');
# or use stash params
my $data = $self->render_mail(template => 'user/signup', user => $user);
Render mail template and return data, mail template format is mail, i.e. user/signup.mail.ep.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail contains one attribute - conf.
Config of mail plugin, hashref.
Keys of conf:
From address, default value is [email protected].
Encoding of Subject and any Data, value is MIME::Lite content transfer encoding Default value is base64.
Default charset of Subject and any Data, default value is UTF-8.
Default type of Data, default value is text/plain.
HOW parameter of MIME::Lite::send: sendmail or smtp.
HOWARGS parameter of MIME::Lite::send (arrayref).
my $conf = {
from => '[email protected],
encoding => 'base64',
type => 'text/html',
how => 'sendmail',
howargs => [ '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' ],
# in Mojolicious app
$self->plugin(mail => $conf);
# in Mojolicious::Lite app
plugin mail => $conf;
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.
$plugin->register($app, $conf);
Register plugin hooks in Mojolicious application.
$plugin->build( mail => { ... }, ... );
Build mail using MIME::Lite and MIME::EncWords and return MIME::Lite object.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail has test mode, no send mail.
# all mail don't send mail
# or only once
test => 1,
to => '...',
The Mojolicious::Lite example you can see in example/
Simple interface for send plain mail:
get '/simple' => sub {
my $self = shift;
to => '[email protected]',
type => 'text/plain',
subject => 'Тест письмо',
data => 'Привет!',
Simple send mail:
get '/simple' => sub {
my $self = shift;
mail => {
To => '[email protected]',
Subject => 'Тест письмо',
Data => "<p>Привет!</p>",
Simple send mail with test mode:
get '/simple2' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $mail = $self->mail(
test => 1,
mail => {
To => '"Анатолий Шарифулин" [email protected]',
Cc => '"Анатолий Шарифулин" <[email protected]>, Anatoly Sharifulin [email protected]',
Bcc => '[email protected]',
Subject => 'Тест письмо',
Type => 'text/plain',
Data => "<p>Привет!</p>",
warn $mail;
Mail with binary attachcment, charset is windows-1251, mimewords off and mail has custom header:
get '/attach' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $mail = $self->mail(
charset => 'windows-1251',
mimeword => 0,
mail => {
To => '[email protected]',
Subject => 'Test attach',
Type => 'multipart/mixed'
attach => [
Data => 'Any data',
Type => 'BINARY',
Filename => '',
Disposition => 'attachment',
Data => 'binary data binary data binary data binary data binary data',
headers => [ { 'X-My-Header' => 'Mojolicious' } ],
Multipart mixed mail:
get '/multi' => sub {
my $self = shift;
mail => {
To => '[email protected]',
Subject => 'Мульти',
Type => 'multipart/mixed'
attach => [
Type => 'TEXT',
Encoding => '7bit',
Data => "Just a quick note to say hi!"
Type => 'image/gif',
Path => $0
Type => 'x-gzip',
Path => "gzip < $0 |",
ReadNow => 1,
Filename => ""
Render mail using simple interface and Reply-To header:
get '/render_simple' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $mail = $self->mail(to => '[email protected]', reply_to => '[email protected]');
$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail);
} => 'render';
Mail with render data and subject from stash param:
get '/render' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->render_mail('render');
mail => {
To => '[email protected]',
Subject => $self->stash('subject'),
Data => $data,
} => 'render';
@@ render.html.ep
<p>Hello render!</p>
@@ render.mail.ep
% stash 'subject' => 'Привет render';
<p>Привет mail render!</p>
MIME::Lite MIME::EncWords Mojolicious Mojolicious::Guides
Anatoly Sharifulin <[email protected]>
Alex Kapranoff <[email protected]>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-mojolicious-plugin-mail at
, or through the web interface at We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as we make changes.
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Copyright (C) 2010-2015 by Anatoly Sharifulin.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.