botid-19 is a Telepot and selenium powerd, easy to use Telegram bot for signing Covid-19 digital health statement.
- Adam Russak for working with me on this project and writing the selenium part
version: "3.7"
image: techblog/botid-19
container_name: botid-19
restart: always
- "com.ouroboros.enable=true"
- API_KEY= #Telegram BOT API
- ALLOWED_IDS= #Your Telegram ID (Get is using @myidbot)
- USER_ID= portal user
- USER_KEY= portal password
- "6700:6700"
Replace API_KEY with your bot token. if you do not have existing bot you can create one using the instruction in this article: Bots: An introduction for developers
In order to secure the bot and block unwanted calls from Unauthorized users add your allowd Id's with comma separated values into ALLOWED_IDS environmet. in order to get your id use @myidbot in telegram and send the /getid command. the result will be your ID:
In order to sign the statement, open your browser and nevigate to your container ip address with port 6700: http://Server_Ip_Address:6070/sign. The signing process takes about 8-10 seconds and in the ens you'll get a success message.
In oreder to get the image with the signing details nevigate to your container ip address with port 6700: http://Server_Ip_Address:6070/statement.
If you find this project helpful, you can give me a cup of coffee :)