Prosfero is an Open Source Crowd Funding platform developed by two university students with one dream -
Prosfro is a platform that allows people to donate money, hassle-free, to those in need.
git clone
cd prosfero
Go to frontend folder
cd frontend
Install the node module using the command
npm install
Set up your environment variables
Create a file called .env.
if you are just making changes in frontend folder, add the key as
or if you are making changes in the backend too,then add the key as
now the frontend project is ready to run in local. use the below command to run it.
npm start
commit your changes and create a pull request.
Go to backend folder
cd backend/
Install the node module using the command
npm install
Set up your environment variables
Create a file called .env and set up your keys (keys are confidential ask owner of the project for the keys).
Commit your changes and create a pull request.
Contributing through Prosfero is easy.
On the Home Screen one can find the "Contibute Today" Option. This will redirect you to the Contributions Page.
You can now see all open donations under this section.
You can also explore ongoing donations using the "Explore" option on the menu bar.
Prosfero allows you to filter out the open donations by clicking on the by selecting the various "Categories" on the left pane.
You can also select a cause from the home page to see the open donations for that specific cause.
Prosfero promises complete transpirancy in the donations. You can sumbit your experience and feedback to the prosfero team through the "Submit your Feedback" section. You can also head what others have to say about Prosfero.
To start a fundraiser, you can click on the "Start a Fundraiser" option on the menu bar. Prosfero guides you through the process of starting a fundraiser. Starting a fundraiser is easy and is completely free.
Have a grevance, issue or a query? Feel free to contact us through the "Contact Us" section.