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This is a tool that makes using modals more convenient by using Vue 3 provide / inject. Please familiarize yourself with it before use.

It provides a simpler way to toggle modals and pass data. It should reduce some of the work when configuring modals.

Supports Vue 3+.

Excludes the modal itself. If you're choosing a modal package, you might consider vue-final-modal


npm install vue-use-modal-context

You can globally register the component <ModalContext>, <ModalProvider> using a plugin. (component: true)

import { ModalContextPlugin } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const app = createApp(App)

app.use(ModalContextPlugin, { component: true })


Alternatively, you can also import it directly.

import { ModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

setup global component type


First, let's take a look at a typical example of using a modal.

This is a situation I often encounter: to set up a modal, I need to configure show, openModal, modalData, and so on. If there are 10 modals, I have to set it up 10 times.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const show = ref(false)
const modalData = ref({
  userId: 0

const openModal = (userId) => {
  show.value = true
  modalData.userId = userId

const onModalClose = () => {
  modalData.userId = 0
    <button @click="openModal(81383)">Show user</button>
    <UserModal v-model="show" :user-id="modalData.userId" @close="onModalClose()">
      <!-- Modal content -->


Now, let's try using the tools provided by vue-use-modal-context, namely useModalContext and ModalProvider, to simplify this example. First, call useModalContext(), and you can obtain openModal.

<!-- Step 1: call useModalContext -->
<script setup>
import { useModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openModal } = useModalContext()

Next, you need to add ModalProvider to register a modal with the modalContext. We registered a modal with the name UserModal.

<!-- Step 2: use ModalProvider to register modal -->
<script setup>
import { useModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openModal } = useModalContext()
    <ModalProvider name="UserModal">


Next, you can retrieve the modal's state from the scoped slot of ModalProvider, which includes show and data. Connect these two pieces of data to the modal and set the initial data to init-data.

<!-- Step 3: connect ModalProvider to UserModal -->
<script setup>
import { useModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openModal } = useModalContext()
    <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="UserModal" :init-data="{ userId: 0 }">
      <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />

Finally, just add the button to open the modal and bind it to openModal.

<!-- Step 4: openModal anywhere -->
<script setup>
import { useModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openModal } = useModalContext()
    <button @click="openModal('UserModal', { userId: 81383 })">Show user</button>
    <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="UserModal" :init-data="{ userId: 0 }">
      <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />

If you want to add a new modal, you just need to register a new ModalProvider.

<!-- Step ex: use more modal -->
<script setup>
import { useModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openModal } = useModalContext()
    <button @click="openModal('UserModal', { userId: 81383 })">Show user</button>
    <button @click="openModal('OrderModal', { orderId: 233456 })">Show order</button>
    <button @click="openModal('PaymentModal', { paymentId: 33445 })">Show payment</button>

    <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="UserModal" :init-data="{ userId: 0 }">
      <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />
    <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="OrderModal" :init-data="{ orderId: 0 }">
      <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />
    <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="PaymentModal" :init-data="{ paymentId: 0 }">
      <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />

useModalContext also has a component version. If you prefer using components, you can give it a try as well.

<!-- Step ex: ModalContext component -->
<script setup>
import { ModalContext, ModalProvider } from "vue-use-modal-context"

  <ModalContext v-slot="{ openModal, closeModal }">
      <button @click="openModal('UserModal', { userId: 81383 })">Show user</button>
      <button @click="openModal('OrderModal', { orderId: 233456 })">Show order</button>
      <button @click="openModal('PaymentModal', { paymentId: 33445 })">Show payment</button>

      <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="UserModal" :init-data="{ userId: 0 }">
        <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />
      <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="OrderModal" :init-data="{ orderId: 0 }">
        <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />
      <ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal }" name="PaymentModal" :init-data="{ paymentId: 0 }">
        <UserModal v-model="" :user-id=""  />

Tutorial - global context

You might need a global modal context that spans across components and contexts. In such cases, you can use useGlobalModalContext.

To use global modal, you need register plugin. Please refer to document.

setup global modal

You can set <ModalProvider> anywhere. Remember to set it as global.

It is recommended to use it in the top-level component (e.g., App.vue):

<!-- App.vue -->
  <ModalProvider name="LoginModal" global>
    <!-- Do anything just like non-global modal -->

Then, you can use useGlobalModalContext anywhere.

<!-- Child.vue -->
<script setup>
import { useGlobalModalContext } from "vue-use-modal-context"

const { openGlobalModal, patchGlobalModal, closeGlobalModal, } = useGlobalModalContext()

onMounted(() => {


useModalContext and <ModalContext>

useModalContext is a composition function. It uses the provide to pass modal context data to child components. Additionally, it returns three functions:

  • openModal(name: string, data?: Record<string, any>) => void: Opens the modal with the specified name and passes data. When passing data, it completely overwrites the existing data. Data is optional, but if provided, it must be an object. If not provided, the modal data will be the initial data.

  • closeModal(name: string) => void: Closes the modal with the specified name.

  • patchModal(name: string, data: Record<string, any> | (data) => Record<string, any>) => void:

    • Updates the data of the specified modal.
    • It's not an overwrite but rather an update in a way similar to Object.assign.
    • It's recommended to perform patchModal after openModal.
    • From 0.3.0, data can be a update function, it receive a current modal data, and it return value will be merged to modal data.
// From 0.3.0
// patch modal by function data
patchModal("UserModal" ,(currentData) => {
  return currentData.userId === 123 ? { 
    order: [
  } : {}


<ModalContext> is the component version of useModalContext, and it is a renderless component. These three functions can also be obtained in the scoped slot of the <ModalContext> component.

<ModalContext v-slot="{ openModal, closeModal, patchModal}">
  <!--your content ....-->

You can use ref to access it methods from setup.

<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'

const ModalContextRef = ref()
onMounted(() => {
  if (ModalContextRef.value){
    ModalContextRef.value.openModal('UserModal', { userId: 3310 })
    // or closeModal, patchModal ....
  <ModalContext v-slot="{ openModal, closeModal, patchModal}" ref="ModalContextRef">
    <!--your content ....-->

useModalProvider and <ModalProvider>

<ModalProvider> is the component version of useModalProvider and is a renderless component. It registers the modal within its own ModalContext.

It must be placed inside the ModalContext. In other words, its parent component or a higher-level component must have either useModalContext or <ModalContext>.

<ModalProvider> provides the following parameters:

  • name: Required. Sets the name of the modal, corresponding to the first argument of openModal.
  • init-data: Optional. Determines the initial state of If not provided, it defaults to {}.
  • global: boolean. Specifies whether it belongs to the globalModalContext. The default is false (see globalModalContext). reset-after-close: boolean. Determines whether to reset data back to init-data after closing. The default is false.

<ModalProvider> provides the following scoped slot:

  • modal: Contains the state of the modal and some functions. It is a reactive object, so do not destructure this object.

    • boolean, indicating whether the modal is open or closed.
    • Defaults to {}, and if init-data is provided, it defaults to init-data. When calling openModal, if data is passed, becomes that data. You can also modify when calling patchModal.
    • closeAnd(fn: () => any): Closes the modal and executes fn. Useful when setting event handlers.

Here's an example of using closeAnd:

<ModalProvider v-slot="{ modal, closeAnd }" name="UserEditModal" :init-data="{ userId: 0 }">
  <Modal v-model="">
    <UserForm :user-id="" @update-sucess="closeAnd(fetchUserList)" />


useModalProvider is a composition function。<ModalProvder> use useModalProvider internally.

params:(name: string, initData: Record<string, any> = {}, resetAfterClose: boolean = false, global: boolean = false)

  • name: Required. Sets the name of the modal, corresponding to the first argument of openModal.
  • initData: Optional. Determines the initial state of If not provided, it defaults to {}.
  • resetAfterClose: Optional. Specifies whether to reset data back to initData after closing. The default is false.
  • global: boolean. Specifies whether it belongs to the globalModalContext. The default is false (see globalModalContext).

Returns: modal: Same as the modal in the scoped slot.


useGlobalModalContext works the same as useModalContext, but manipulate global context. it will returns:

  • openGlobalModal: Similar to openModal, but can only open global modals.
  • closeGlobalModal: Similar to closeModal, but can only close global modals.
  • patchGlobalModal: Similar to patchModal, but can only patch global modals.


Most types in this package are exposed. The following explains the most commonly used type settings.

Global components type

When you are using globally registered components (e.g: plugin), if you are using vscode + volar, you can set the global components type through the following way:

// src/components.d.ts
import { ModalContext, ModalProvider } from 'vue-use-modal-context'

declare module 'vue' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    ModalContext: typeof ModalContext
    ModalProvider: typeof ModalProvider


Vue modal helpers for simplify modal usage



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