This is a Pytorch/Fastai implementation of MaskRCNN based on previous versions by Matterport and MultiModal Learning (see acknowledgements at bottom of page). This was mainly a personal learning exercise but the simplified structure may help others wanting to understand maskrcnn.
- Overview diagram that shows the key components of maskRCNN
- Code cleaned up and structured as per the diagram to make it easy to understand and experiment with each part.
- Works with pytorch v1 and fastai v1
- Training and prediction working on nuke data from 2018 kaggle bowl; training and prediction on synthetic shapes data; and prediction on images using coco categories.
- More tests. How can it best be tested?
- Could the experimental test framework be useful for continuous testing? Is there a good framework already written?
- How to expand testing to keras. i.e. how to adapt matterport for eager mode?
Note that training and prediction follow slightly different paths.
The core code reflects the diagram:
- datagen - anchors, dataset, head_targets, rpn_targets
- model - maskrcnn (whole thing), resnet (backbone), resnetFPN (feature pyramid), rpn
- filter - proposals, roialign, detections
- loss - loss functions for rpn and head
- lib - c extensions for nms and roialign
- utils - box_utils, image_utils, visualize, batch (function decorator to process batches)
- callbacks - to tailor fastai for maskrcnn
- ipstartup - startup script for notebooks
- config - configuration constants
- Applications typically with dataset, config, learner, notebooks
Test (experimental)
- baseline - classes to help compare a new versus baseline version
- test_*.py
- limited number of pytest functions versus multimodal
- tried versus matterport but original needs adapting to work with eager mode
- tests.ipynb - notebook to run pytests
Clone this repository.
git clone
Download pretrained coco weights from Google Drive.
Build the nms and roialign binaries:
cd maskr/maskr/lib ./
Install the python package and dependencies in edit mode
cd maskr pip install -e .
These are useful introductions to image segmentation and maskrcnn
A Brief History of CNNs in Image Segmentation: From R-CNN to Mask R-CNN
Object Detection using Deep Learning for advanced users
Faster R-CNN: Down the rabbit hole of modern object detection
Region of Interest Pooling explained
These are the main papers that led to maskrcnn:
This package was based on the multimodal package which was based on matterport.
Matterport Mask_RCNN. A keras/tensorflow implementation of maskrcnn
Multimodal learning. Pytorch version of matterport.
Facebook detectron. Facebook super package that includes implementation of a wide range of image segmentation algorithms using Caffe2.
Pytorch detectron. Conversion of detectron to pytorch.