restQL-core allows you to run restQL queries directly from JVM applications, making easy to fetch information from multiple services in the most efficient manner. e.g.:
from search
role = "hero"
from hero as heroList
name =
You can learn more about restQL query language here and here
restQL-core is built upon the battle proven HttpKit and Clojure core.async to maximize performance and throughtput.
If you're using Clojure you may want to check restQL-core or restQL-Server if you're using another languagem or working in a client application.
Add Clojars repository and restQL dependency to your project
repositories {
maven {
url ""
compile 'com.b2wdigital:restql-core-java:2.2.1'
ClassConfigRepository config = new ClassConfigRepository();
config.put("planets", "");
RestQL restQL = new RestQL(config);
QueryResponse response = restQL.executeQuery("from planets with id = ?", 1);
System.out.println("The response JSON is: " + response.toString());
In the example above restQL will call StarWars planet API passing "1" as param.
restQL receives a configuration class with the API mappings. You can use the available configuration repositories -- SystemPropertiesConfigRepository
, PropertiesFileConfigRepository
or ClassConfigRepository
-- or implement your own, using the ConfigRepository
You can check more about endpoints configuration here
Retrieving all magic cards
ClassConfigRepository config = new ClassConfigRepository();
config.put("cards", "");
RestQL restQL = new RestQL(config);
String query = "from cards as cardslist params type = ?";
QueryResponse response = restQL.executeQuery(query, "Artifact");
// The JSON String
String jsonString = response.toString();
// The mapped object
List<MTGCard> cards = result.getList("cardslist", MTGCard.class);
Listing all cards and then fetching its details.
ClassConfigRepository config = new ClassConfigRepository();
config.put("cards", "");
config.put("card", "");
RestQL restQL = new RestQL(config);
String queryCardsAndDetails = "from cards as cardsList params type = ? \n"
+ "from card as cardWithDetails params id =";
QueryResponse response = restQL.executeQuery(query, "Artifact");
// The JSON String
String jsonString = response.toString();
// The mapped object
List<MTGCard> cards = result.getList("cardWithDetails", MTGCard.class);
As prerequisites to build restQL from source we have:
- Java 8
- Maven 3
Just clone this repo and run "mvn compile".
Copyright © 2016 B2W Digital
Distributed under the MIT License.