This repository holds the Sireum Presentasi source and pre-built binary of the 2022 Trusted Computing Center of Excellence (TCCoE) talk on Logika, titled "Integrated Formal Verification Environment for seL4 Applications".
The Presentasi script is bin/presentasi.cmd; it is configured for Microsoft Azure's text-to-speech synthesizer with "Ryan" neural voice.
Install Sireum, then execute the following in a terminal inside this repo local directory:
$SIREUM_HOME/sireum proyek run . Presentasi
%SIREUM_HOME%\sireum proyek run . Presentasi
Alternatively, you can also download the pre-built jar at:
which can be run on macOS or Windows by using any Java 11+ with JavaFX:
java -jar tccoe22-logika.jar
Finally, a pre-recorded Presentasi video is also available at: