This is a simple Flutter Android app that uses OpenAI ChatGPT-4-Vision API to get descriptions of images on mobile device. Use cases include:
- Get a description of a photo
- Get insights from a screenshot of a chart eg line chart of real vs nominal hourly wages
- Get explanation from a screenshot of a meme visualization eg you've seen elf on a shelf, have you seen ... (vader on a tater)
See YouTube video walk through:
The app stores the following data in the app's device folder in a JSON file:
- Encrypted API key
- Image file name
- Device folder path
- Prompt text
- Response text
- Response datetime string
- Tokens used value
- Estimated cost value
You need to provide your own OpenAI API key which is entered in the app's Settings page.
App screenshots (click to zoom in)
Allow Permissions - allow app to access device folders
Enter API Key - saved in JSON file in Android app folder
Select folder - select any accessible folder that contains images
Selected folder images - blue bordered images have at least one response
Selected image prompt - modify text prompt as desired, default to low resolution (good enough for most) but can optionally send higher resolution image then tap Get Response button
Selected image prompt response - view response
Selected image prompt response - copy, share or delete response