all | dynamic | editing | fast | generalization | human | video | lighting | reconstruction | texture | semantic | pose-slam | others
- ResNeRF: Geometry-Guided Residual Neural Radiance Field for Indoor Scene Novel View Synthesis | [code]
We represent the ResNeRF, a novel geometry-guided two-stage framework for indoor scene novel view synthesis. Be aware of that a good geometry would greatly boost the performance of novel view synthesis, and to avoid the geometry ambiguity issue, we propose to characterize the density distribution of the scene based on a base density estimated from scene geometry and a residual density parameterized by the geometry. In the first stage, we focus on geometry reconstruction based on SDF representation, which would lead to a good geometry surface of the scene and also a sharp density. In the second stage, the residual density is learned based on the SDF learned in the first stage for encoding more details about the appearance. In this way, our method can better learn the density distribution with the geometry prior for high-fidelity novel view synthesis while preserving the 3D structures. Experiments on large-scale indoor scenes with many less-observed and textureless areas show that with the good 3D surface, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for novel view synthesis.
- Recovering Fine Details for Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction | [code]
Recent works on implicit neural representations have made significant strides. Learning implicit neural surfaces using volume rendering has gained popularity in multi-view reconstruction without 3D supervision. However, accurately recovering fine details is still challenging, due to the underlying ambiguity of geometry and appearance representation. In this paper, we present D-NeuS, a volume rendering-base neural implicit surface reconstruction method capable to recover fine geometry details, which extends NeuS by two additional loss functions targeting enhanced reconstruction quality. First, we encourage the rendered surface points from alpha compositing to have zero signed distance values, alleviating the geometry bias arising from transforming SDF to density for volume rendering. Second, we impose multi-view feature consistency on the surface points, derived by interpolating SDF zero-crossings from sampled points along rays. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our method reconstructs high-accuracy surfaces with details, and outperforms the state of the art.
- Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation | [code]
DreamFusion has recently demonstrated the utility of a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to optimize Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), achieving remarkable text-to-3D synthesis results. However, the method has two inherent limitations: (a) extremely slow optimization of NeRF and (b) low-resolution image space supervision on NeRF, leading to low-quality 3D models with a long processing time. In this paper, we address these limitations by utilizing a two-stage optimization framework. First, we obtain a coarse model using a low-resolution diffusion prior and accelerate with a sparse 3D hash grid structure. Using the coarse representation as the initialization, we further optimize a textured 3D mesh model with an efficient differentiable renderer interacting with a high-resolution latent diffusion model. Our method, dubbed Magic3D, can create high quality 3D mesh models in 40 minutes, which is 2x faster than DreamFusion (reportedly taking 1.5 hours on average), while also achieving higher resolution. User studies show 61.7% raters to prefer our approach over DreamFusion. Together with the image-conditioned generation capabilities, we provide users with new ways to control 3D synthesis, opening up new avenues to various creative applications.
- Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes and Textures | [code]
Text-guided image generation has progressed rapidly in recent years, inspiring major breakthroughs in text-guided shape generation. Recently, it has been shown that using score distillation, one can successfully text-guide a NeRF model to generate a 3D object. We adapt the score distillation to the publicly available, and computationally efficient, Latent Diffusion Models, which apply the entire diffusion process in a compact latent space of a pretrained autoencoder. As NeRFs operate in image space, a naive solution for guiding them with latent score distillation would require encoding to the latent space at each guidance step. Instead, we propose to bring the NeRF to the latent space, resulting in a Latent-NeRF. Analyzing our Latent-NeRF, we show that while Text-to-3D models can generate impressive results, they are inherently unconstrained and may lack the ability to guide or enforce a specific 3D structure. To assist and direct the 3D generation, we propose to guide our Latent-NeRF using a Sketch-Shape: an abstract geometry that defines the coarse structure of the desired object. Then, we present means to integrate such a constraint directly into a Latent-NeRF. This unique combination of text and shape guidance allows for increased control over the generation process. We also show that latent score distillation can be successfully applied directly on 3D meshes. This allows for generating high-quality textures on a given geometry. Our experiments validate the power of our different forms of guidance and the efficiency of using latent rendering. Implementation is available at this https URL
- Directed Ray Distance Functions for 3D Scene Reconstruction, ECCV2022 | [code]
We present an approach for full 3D scene reconstruction from a single unseen image. We trained on dataset of realistic non-watertight scans of scenes. Our approach uses a predicted distance function, since these have shown promise in handling complex topologies and large spaces. We identify and analyze two key challenges for predicting such image conditioned distance functions that have prevented their success on real 3D scene data. First, we show that predicting a conventional scene distance from an image requires reasoning over a large receptive field. Second, we analytically show that the optimal output of the network trained to predict these distance functions does not obey all the distance function properties. We propose an alternate distance function, the Directed Ray Distance Function (DRDF), that tackles both challenges. We show that a deep network trained to predict DRDFs outperforms all other methods quantitatively and qualitatively on 3D reconstruction from single image on Matterport3D, 3DFront, and ScanNet. (Project Page:
- Common Pets in 3D: Dynamic New-View Synthesis of Real-Life Deformable Categories | [code]
Obtaining photorealistic reconstructions of objects from sparse views is inherently ambiguous and can only be achieved by learning suitable reconstruction priors. Earlier works on sparse rigid object reconstruction successfully learned such priors from large datasets such as CO3D. In this paper, we extend this approach to dynamic objects. We use cats and dogs as a representative example and introduce Common Pets in 3D (CoP3D), a collection of crowd-sourced videos showing around 4,200 distinct pets. CoP3D is one of the first large-scale datasets for benchmarking non-rigid 3D reconstruction "in the wild". We also propose Tracker-NeRF, a method for learning 4D reconstruction from our dataset. At test time, given a small number of video frames of an unseen object, Tracker-NeRF predicts the trajectories of its 3D points and generates new views, interpolating viewpoint and time. Results on CoP3D reveal significantly better non-rigid new-view synthesis performance than existing baselines.
- HyperSound: Generating Implicit Neural Representations of Audio Signals with Hypernetworks | [code]
Implicit neural representations (INRs) are a rapidly growing research field, which provides alternative ways to represent multimedia signals. Recent applications of INRs include image super-resolution, compression of high-dimensional signals, or 3D rendering. However, these solutions usually focus on visual data, and adapting them to the audio domain is not trivial. Moreover, it requires a separately trained model for every data sample. To address this limitation, we propose HyperSound, a meta-learning method leveraging hypernetworks to produce INRs for audio signals unseen at training time. We show that our approach can reconstruct sound waves with quality comparable to other state-of-the-art models.
- Learning Neural Implicit Representations with Surface Signal Parameterizations | [code]
Neural implicit surface representations have recently emerged as popular alternative to explicit 3D object encodings, such as polygonal meshes, tabulated points, or voxels. While significant work has improved the geometric fidelity of these representations, much less attention is given to their final appearance. Traditional explicit object representations commonly couple the 3D shape data with auxiliary surface-mapped image data, such as diffuse color textures and fine-scale geometric details in normal maps that typically require a mapping of the 3D surface onto a plane, i.e., a surface parameterization; implicit representations, on the other hand, cannot be easily textured due to lack of configurable surface parameterization. Inspired by this digital content authoring methodology, we design a neural network architecture that implicitly encodes the underlying surface parameterization suitable for appearance data. As such, our model remains compatible with existing mesh-based digital content with appearance data. Motivated by recent work that overfits compact networks to individual 3D objects, we present a new weight-encoded neural implicit representation that extends the capability of neural implicit surfaces to enable various common and important applications of texture mapping. Our method outperforms reasonable baselines and state-of-the-art alternatives.
- gCoRF: Generative Compositional Radiance Fields, 3DV2022 | [code]
3D generative models of objects enable photorealistic image synthesis with 3D control. Existing methods model the scene as a global scene representation, ignoring the compositional aspect of the scene. Compositional reasoning can enable a wide variety of editing applications, in addition to enabling generalizable 3D reasoning. In this paper, we present a compositional generative model, where each semantic part of the object is represented as an independent 3D representation learnt from only in-the-wild 2D data. We start with a global generative model (GAN) and learn to decompose it into different semantic parts using supervision from 2D segmentation masks. We then learn to composite independently sampled parts in order to create coherent global scenes. Different parts can be independently sampled, while keeping rest of the object fixed. We evaluate our method on a wide variety of objects and parts, and demonstrate editing applications.
- Neural Contact Fields: Tracking Extrinsic Contact with Tactile Sensing | [code]
We present Neural Contact Fields, a method that brings together neural fields and tactile sensing to address the problem of tracking extrinsic contact between object and environment. Knowing where the external contact occurs is a first step towards methods that can actively control it in facilitating downstream manipulation tasks. Prior work for localizing environmental contacts typically assume a contact type (e.g. point or line), does not capture contact/no-contact transitions, and only works with basic geometric-shaped objects. Neural Contact Fields are the first method that can track arbitrary multi-modal extrinsic contacts without making any assumptions about the contact type. Our key insight is to estimate the probability of contact for any 3D point in the latent space of object shapes, given vision-based tactile inputs that sense the local motion resulting from the external contact. In experiments, we find that Neural Contact Fields are able to localize multiple contact patches without making any assumptions about the geometry of the contact, and capture contact/no-contact transitions for known categories of objects with unseen shapes in unseen environment configurations. In addition to Neural Contact Fields, we also release our YCB-Extrinsic-Contact dataset of simulated extrinsic contact interactions to enable further research in this area. Project repository: this https URL
- S3-NeRF: Neural Reflectance Field from Shading and Shadow under a Single Viewpoint, NeurIPS2022 |
In this paper, we address the "dual problem" of multi-view scene reconstruction in which we utilize single-view images captured under different point lights to learn a neural scene representation. Different from existing single-view methods which can only recover a 2.5D scene representation (i.e., a normal / depth map for the visible surface), our method learns a neural reflectance field to represent the 3D geometry and BRDFs of a scene. Instead of relying on multi-view photo-consistency, our method exploits two information-rich monocular cues, namely shading and shadow, to infer scene geometry. Experiments on multiple challenging datasets show that our method is capable of recovering 3D geometry, including both visible and invisible parts, of a scene from single-view images. Thanks to the neural reflectance field representation, our method is robust to depth discontinuities. It supports applications like novel-view synthesis and relighting. Our code and model can be found at this https URL.
- Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited, WACV2023 | [code]
Multi-view photometric stereo (MVPS) is a preferred method for detailed and precise 3D acquisition of an object from images. Although popular methods for MVPS can provide outstanding results, they are often complex to execute and limited to isotropic material objects. To address such limitations, we present a simple, practical approach to MVPS, which works well for isotropic as well as other object material types such as anisotropic and glossy. The proposed approach in this paper exploits the benefit of uncertainty modeling in a deep neural network for a reliable fusion of photometric stereo (PS) and multi-view stereo (MVS) network predictions. Yet, contrary to the recently proposed state-of-the-art, we introduce neural volume rendering methodology for a trustworthy fusion of MVS and PS measurements. The advantage of introducing neural volume rendering is that it helps in the reliable modeling of objects with diverse material types, where existing MVS methods, PS methods, or both may fail. Furthermore, it allows us to work on neural 3D shape representation, which has recently shown outstanding results for many geometric processing tasks. Our suggested new loss function aims to fits the zero level set of the implicit neural function using the most certain MVS and PS network predictions coupled with weighted neural volume rendering cost. The proposed approach shows state-of-the-art results when tested extensively on several benchmark datasets.
- MVSPlenOctree: Fast and Generic Reconstruction of Radiance Fields in PlenOctree from Multi-view Stereo, ACMMM2022 | [code]
We present MVSPlenOctree, a novel approach that can efficiently reconstruct radiance fields for view synthesis. Unlike previous scene-specific radiance fields reconstruction methods, we present a generic pipeline that can efficiently reconstruct 360-degree-renderable radiance fields via multi-view stereo (MVS) inference from tens of sparse-spread out images. Our approach leverages variance-based statistic features for MVS inference, and combines this with image based rendering and volume rendering for radiance field reconstruction. We first train a MVS Machine for reasoning scene's density and appearance. Then, based on the spatial hierarchy of the PlenOctree and coarse-to-fine dense sampling mechanism, we design a robust and efficient sampling strategy for PlenOctree reconstruction, which handles occlusion robustly. A 360-degree-renderable radiance fields can be reconstructed in PlenOctree from MVS Machine in an efficient single forward pass. We trained our method on real-world DTU, LLFF datasets, and synthetic datasets. We validate its generalizability by evaluating on the test set of DTU dataset which are unseen in training. In summary, our radiance field reconstruction method is both efficient and generic, a coarse 360-degree-renderable radiance field can be reconstructed in seconds and a dense one within minutes. Please visit the project page for more details:
- ParseMVS: Learning Primitive-aware Surface Representations for Sparse Multi-view Stereopsis, ACMMM2022 | [code]
Multi-view stereopsis (MVS) recovers 3D surfaces by finding dense photo-consistent correspondences from densely sampled images. In this paper, we tackle the challenging MVS task from sparsely sampled views (up to an order of magnitude fewer images), which is more practical and cost-efficient in applications. The major challenge comes from the significant correspondence ambiguity introduced by the severe occlusions and the highly skewed patches. On the other hand, such ambiguity can be resolved by incorporating geometric cues from the global structure. In light of this, we propose ParseMVS, boosting sparse MVS by learning the P rimitive-A waR e S urface rE presentation. In particular, on top of being aware of global structure, our novel representation further allows for the preservation of fine details including geometry, texture, and visibility. More specifically, the whole scene is parsed into multiple geometric primitives. On each of them, the geometry is defined as the displacement along the primitives' normal directions, together with the texture and visibility along each view direction. An unsupervised neural network is trained to learn these factors by progressively increasing the photo-consistency and render-consistency among all input images. Since the surface properties are changed locally in the 2D space of each primitive, ParseMVS can preserve global primitive structures while optimizing local details, handling the 'incompleteness' and the 'inaccuracy' problems. We experimentally demonstrate that ParseMVS constantly outperforms the state-of-the-art surface reconstruction method in both completeness and the overall score under varying sampling sparsity, especially under the extreme sparse-MVS settings. Beyond that, ParseMVS also shows great potential in compression, robustness, and efficiency.
- Self-Supervised Multi-view Stereo via Adjacent Geometry Guided Volume Completion, ACMMM2022 | [code]
Existing self-supervised multi-view stereo (MVS) approaches largely rely on photometric consistency for geometry inference, and hence suffer from low-texture or non-Lambertian appearances. In this paper, we observe that adjacent geometry shares certain commonality that can help to infer the correct geometry of the challenging or low-confident regions. Yet exploiting such property in a non-supervised MVS approach remains challenging for the lacking of training data and necessity of ensuring consistency between views. To address the issues, we propose a novel geometry inference training scheme by selectively masking regions with rich textures, where geometry can be well recovered and used for supervisory signal, and then lead a deliberately designed cost volume completion network to learn how to recover geometry of the masked regions. During inference, we then mask the low-confident regions instead and use the cost volume completion network for geometry correction. To deal with the different depth hypotheses of the cost volume pyramid, we design a three-branch volume inference structure for the completion network. Further, by considering plane as a special geometry, we first identify planar regions from pseudo labels and then correct the low-confident pixels by high-confident labels through plane normal consistency. Extensive experiments on DTU and Tanks & Temples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and the state-of-the-art performance.
- Uncertainty-Aware Semi-Supervised Learning of 3D Face Rigging from Single Image, ACMMM2022 | [code]
We present a method to rig 3D faces via Action Units (AUs), viewpoint and light direction, from single input image. Existing 3D methods for face synthesis and animation rely heavily on 3D morphable model (3DMM), which was built on 3D data and cannot provide intuitive expression parameters, while AU-driven 2D methods cannot handle head pose and lighting effect. We bridge the gap by integrating a recent 3D reconstruction method with 2D AU-driven method in a semi-supervised fashion. Built upon the auto-encoding 3D face reconstruction model that decouples depth, albedo, viewpoint and light without any supervision, we further decouple expression from identity for depth and albedo with a novel conditional feature translation module and pretrained critics for AU intensity estimation and image classification. Novel objective functions are designed using unlabeled in-the-wild images and in-door images with AU labels. We also leverage uncertainty losses to model the probably changing AU region of images as input noise for synthesis, and model the noisy AU intensity labels for intensity estimation of the AU critic. Experiments with face editing and animation on four datasets show that, compared with six state-of-the-art methods, our proposed method is superior and effective on expression consistency, identity similarity and pose similarity.
- Robustifying the Multi-Scale Representation of Neural Radiance Fields, BMVC2022 | [code]
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) recently emerged as a new paradigm for object representation from multi-view (MV) images. Yet, it cannot handle multi-scale (MS) images and camera pose estimation errors, which generally is the case with multi-view images captured from a day-to-day commodity camera. Although recently proposed Mip-NeRF could handle multi-scale imaging problems with NeRF, it cannot handle camera pose estimation error. On the other hand, the newly proposed BARF can solve the camera pose problem with NeRF but fails if the images are multi-scale in nature. This paper presents a robust multi-scale neural radiance fields representation approach to simultaneously overcome both real-world imaging issues. Our method handles multi-scale imaging effects and camera-pose estimation problems with NeRF-inspired approaches by leveraging the fundamentals of scene rigidity. To reduce unpleasant aliasing artifacts due to multi-scale images in the ray space, we leverage Mip-NeRF multi-scale representation. For joint estimation of robust camera pose, we propose graph-neural network-based multiple motion averaging in the neural volume rendering framework. We demonstrate, with examples, that for an accurate neural representation of an object from day-to-day acquired multi-view images, it is crucial to have precise camera-pose estimates. Without considering robustness measures in the camera pose estimation, modeling for multi-scale aliasing artifacts via conical frustum can be counterproductive. We present extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets to demonstrate that our approach provides better results than the recent NeRF-inspired approaches for such realistic settings.
- XDGAN: Multi-Modal 3D Shape Generation in 2D Space | [code]
Generative models for 2D images has recently seen tremendous progress in quality, resolution and speed as a result of the efficiency of 2D convolutional architectures. However it is difficult to extend this progress into the 3D domain since most current 3D representations rely on custom network components. This paper addresses a central question: Is it possible to directly leverage 2D image generative models to generate 3D shapes instead? To answer this, we propose XDGAN, an effective and fast method for applying 2D image GAN architectures to the generation of 3D object geometry combined with additional surface attributes, like color textures and normals. Specifically, we propose a novel method to convert 3D shapes into compact 1-channel geometry images and leverage StyleGAN3 and image-to-image translation networks to generate 3D objects in 2D space. The generated geometry images are quick to convert to 3D meshes, enabling real-time 3D object synthesis, visualization and interactive editing. Moreover, the use of standard 2D architectures can help bring more 2D advances into the 3D realm. We show both quantitatively and qualitatively that our method is highly effective at various tasks such as 3D shape generation, single view reconstruction and shape manipulation, while being significantly faster and more flexible compared to recent 3D generative models.
- Unsupervised Multi-View Object Segmentation Using Radiance Field Propagation, NeurIPS2022 | [code]
We present radiance field propagation (RFP), a novel approach to segmenting objects in 3D during reconstruction given only unlabeled multi-view images of a scene. RFP is derived from emerging neural radiance field-based techniques, which jointly encodes semantics with appearance and geometry. The core of our method is a novel propagation strategy for individual objects' radiance fields with a bidirectional photometric loss, enabling an unsupervised partitioning of a scene into salient or meaningful regions corresponding to different object instances. To better handle complex scenes with multiple objects and occlusions, we further propose an iterative expectation-maximization algorithm to refine object masks. To the best of our knowledge, RFP is the first unsupervised approach for tackling 3D scene object segmentation for neural radiance field (NeRF) without any supervision, annotations, or other cues such as 3D bounding boxes and prior knowledge of object class. Experiments demonstrate that RFP achieves feasible segmentation results that are more accurate than previous unsupervised image/scene segmentation approaches, and are comparable to existing supervised NeRF-based methods. The segmented object representations enable individual 3D object editing operations.
- Sphere-Guided Training of Neural Implicit Surfaces | [code]
In recent years, surface modeling via neural implicit functions has become one of the main techniques for multi-view 3D reconstruction. However, the state-of-the-art methods rely on the implicit functions to model an entire volume of the scene, leading to reduced reconstruction fidelity in the areas with thin objects or high-frequency details. To address that, we present a method for jointly training neural implicit surfaces alongside an auxiliary explicit shape representation, which acts as surface guide. In our approach, this representation encapsulates the surface region of the scene and enables us to boost the efficiency of the implicit function training by only modeling the volume in that region. We propose using a set of learnable spherical primitives as a learnable surface guidance since they can be efficiently trained alongside the neural surface function using its gradients. Our training pipeline consists of iterative updates of the spheres' centers using the gradients of the implicit function and then fine-tuning the latter to the updated surface region of the scene. We show that such modification to the training procedure can be plugged into several popular implicit reconstruction methods, improving the quality of the results over multiple 3D reconstruction benchmarks.
- 360FusionNeRF: Panoramic Neural Radiance Fields with Joint Guidance | [code]
We present a method to synthesize novel views from a single 360∘ panorama image based on the neural radiance field (NeRF). Prior studies in a similar setting rely on the neighborhood interpolation capability of multi-layer perceptions to complete missing regions caused by occlusion, which leads to artifacts in their predictions. We propose 360FusionNeRF, a semi-supervised learning framework where we introduce geometric supervision and semantic consistency to guide the progressive training process. Firstly, the input image is re-projected to 360∘ images, and auxiliary depth maps are extracted at other camera positions. The depth supervision, in addition to the NeRF color guidance, improves the geometry of the synthesized views. Additionally, we introduce a semantic consistency loss that encourages realistic renderings of novel views. We extract these semantic features using a pre-trained visual encoder such as CLIP, a Vision Transformer trained on hundreds of millions of diverse 2D photographs mined from the web with natural language supervision. Experiments indicate that our proposed method can produce plausible completions of unobserved regions while preserving the features of the scene. When trained across various scenes, 360FusionNeRF consistently achieves the state-of-the-art performance when transferring to synthetic Structured3D dataset (PSNR
5%, SSIM3% LPIPS13%), real-world Matterport3D dataset (PSNR3%, SSIM3% LPIPS9%) and Replica360 dataset (PSNR8%, SSIM2% LPIPS~18%). - Efficient View Path Planning for Autonomous Implicit Reconstruction | [code]
Implicit neural representations have shown promising potential for the 3D scene reconstruction. Recent work applies it to autonomous 3D reconstruction by learning information gain for view path planning. Effective as it is, the computation of the information gain is expensive, and compared with that using volumetric representations, collision checking using the implicit representation for a 3D point is much slower. In the paper, we propose to 1) leverage a neural network as an implicit function approximator for the information gain field and 2) combine the implicit fine-grained representation with coarse volumetric representations to improve efficiency. Further with the improved efficiency, we propose a novel informative path planning based on a graph-based planner. Our method demonstrates significant improvements in the reconstruction quality and planning efficiency compared with autonomous reconstructions with implicit and explicit representations. We deploy the method on a real UAV and the results show that our method can plan informative views and reconstruct a scene with high quality.
- SG-SRNs: Superpixel-Guided Scene Representation Networks, SignalProcessingLetters | [code]
Recently, Scene Representation Networks (SRNs) have attracted increasing attention in computer vision, due to their continuous and light-weight scene representation ability. However, SRNs generally perform poorly on low-texture image regions. Addressing this problem, we propose superpixel-guided scene representation networks in this paper, called SG-SRNs, consisting of a backbone module (SRNs), a superpixel segmentation module, and a superpixel regularization module. In the proposed method, except for the novel view synthesis task, the task of representation-aware superpixel segmentation mask generation is realized by the proposed superpixel segmentation module. Then, the superpixel regularization module utilizes the superpixel segmentation mask to guide the backbone to be learned in a locally smooth way, and optimizes the scene representations of the local regions to indirectly alleviate the structure distortion of low-texture regions in a self-supervised manner. Extensive experimental results on both our constructed datasets and the public Synthetic-NeRF dataset demonstrated that the proposed SG-SRNs achieved a significantly better 3D structure representing performance.
- Edge-oriented Implicit Neural Representation with Channel Tuning | [code]
Implicit neural representation, which expresses an image as a continuous function rather than a discrete grid form, is widely used for image processing. Despite its outperforming results, there are still remaining limitations on restoring clear shapes of a given signal such as the edges of an image. In this paper, we propose Gradient Magnitude Adjustment algorithm which calculates the gradient of an image for training the implicit representation. In addition, we propose Edge-oriented Representation Network (EoREN) that can reconstruct the image with clear edges by fitting gradient information (Edge-oriented module). Furthermore, we add Channel-tuning module to adjust the distribution of given signals so that it solves a chronic problem of fitting gradients. By separating backpropagation paths of the two modules, EoREN can learn true color of the image without hindering the role for gradients. We qualitatively show that our model can reconstruct complex signals and demonstrate general reconstruction ability of our model with quantitative results.
- Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction using Imaging Sonar | [code]
We present a technique for dense 3D reconstruction of objects using an imaging sonar, also known as forward-looking sonar (FLS). Compared to previous methods that model the scene geometry as point clouds or volumetric grids, we represent the geometry as a neural implicit function. Additionally, given such a representation, we use a differentiable volumetric renderer that models the propagation of acoustic waves to synthesize imaging sonar measurements. We perform experiments on real and synthetic datasets and show that our algorithm reconstructs high-fidelity surface geometry from multi-view FLS images at much higher quality than was possible with previous techniques and without suffering from their associated memory overhead.
- Uncertainty Guided Policy for Active Robotic 3D Reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields, RAL2022 | [code]
In this paper, we tackle the problem of active robotic 3D reconstruction of an object. In particular, we study how a mobile robot with an arm-held camera can select a favorable number of views to recover an object's 3D shape efficiently. Contrary to the existing solution to this problem, we leverage the popular neural radiance fields-based object representation, which has recently shown impressive results for various computer vision tasks. However, it is not straightforward to directly reason about an object's explicit 3D geometric details using such a representation, making the next-best-view selection problem for dense 3D reconstruction challenging. This paper introduces a ray-based volumetric uncertainty estimator, which computes the entropy of the weight distribution of the color samples along each ray of the object's implicit neural representation. We show that it is possible to infer the uncertainty of the underlying 3D geometry given a novel view with the proposed estimator. We then present a next-best-view selection policy guided by the ray-based volumetric uncertainty in neural radiance fields-based representations. Encouraging experimental results on synthetic and real-world data suggest that the approach presented in this paper can enable a new research direction of using an implicit 3D object representation for the next-best-view problem in robot vision applications, distinguishing our approach from the existing approaches that rely on explicit 3D geometric modeling.
- DevNet: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Learning via Density Volume Construction, ECCV2022 | [code]
Self-supervised depth learning from monocular images normally relies on the 2D pixel-wise photometric relation between temporally adjacent image frames. However, they neither fully exploit the 3D point-wise geometric correspondences, nor effectively tackle the ambiguities in the photometric warping caused by occlusions or illumination inconsistency. To address these problems, this work proposes Density Volume Construction Network (DevNet), a novel self-supervised monocular depth learning framework, that can consider 3D spatial information, and exploit stronger geometric constraints among adjacent camera frustums. Instead of directly regressing the pixel value from a single image, our DevNet divides the camera frustum into multiple parallel planes and predicts the pointwise occlusion probability density on each plane. The final depth map is generated by integrating the density along corresponding rays. During the training process, novel regularization strategies and loss functions are introduced to mitigate photometric ambiguities and overfitting. Without obviously enlarging model parameters size or running time, DevNet outperforms several representative baselines on both the KITTI-2015 outdoor dataset and NYU-V2 indoor dataset. In particular, the root-mean-square-deviation is reduced by around 4% with DevNet on both KITTI-2015 and NYU-V2 in the task of depth estimation. Code is available at this https URL.
- 3D Textured Shape Recovery with Learned Geometric Priors | [code]
3D textured shape recovery from partial scans is crucial for many real-world applications. Existing approaches have demonstrated the efficacy of implicit function representation, but they suffer from partial inputs with severe occlusions and varying object types, which greatly hinders their application value in the real world. This technical report presents our approach to address these limitations by incorporating learned geometric priors. To this end, we generate a SMPL model from learned pose prediction and fuse it into the partial input to add prior knowledge of human bodies. We also propose a novel completeness-aware bounding box adaptation for handling different levels of scales and partialness of partial scans.
- SIRA: Relightable Avatars from a Single Image | [code]
Recovering the geometry of a human head from a single image, while factorizing the materials and illumination is a severely ill-posed problem that requires prior information to be solved. Methods based on 3D Morphable Models (3DMM), and their combination with differentiable renderers, have shown promising results. However, the expressiveness of 3DMMs is limited, and they typically yield over-smoothed and identity-agnostic 3D shapes limited to the face region. Highly accurate full head reconstructions have recently been obtained with neural fields that parameterize the geometry using multilayer perceptrons. The versatility of these representations has also proved effective for disentangling geometry, materials and lighting. However, these methods require several tens of input images. In this paper, we introduce SIRA, a method which, from a single image, reconstructs human head avatars with high fidelity geometry and factorized lights and surface materials. Our key ingredients are two data-driven statistical models based on neural fields that resolve the ambiguities of single-view 3D surface reconstruction and appearance factorization. Experiments show that SIRA obtains state of the art results in 3D head reconstruction while at the same time it successfully disentangles the global illumination, and the diffuse and specular albedos. Furthermore, our reconstructions are amenable to physically-based appearance editing and head model relighting.
- Multi-View Reconstruction using Signed Ray Distance Functions (SRDF) | [code]
In this paper, we address the problem of multi-view 3D shape reconstruction. While recent differentiable rendering approaches associated to implicit shape representations have provided breakthrough performance, they are still computationally heavy and often lack precision on the estimated geometries. To overcome these limitations we investigate a new computational approach that builds on a novel shape representation that is volumetric, as in recent differentiable rendering approaches, but parameterized with depth maps to better materialize the shape surface. The shape energy associated to this representation evaluates 3D geometry given color images and does not need appearance prediction but still benefits from volumetric integration when optimized. In practice we propose an implicit shape representation, the SRDF, based on signed distances which we parameterize by depths along camera rays. The associated shape energy considers the agreement between depth prediction consistency and photometric consistency, this at 3D locations within the volumetric representation. Various photo-consistency priors can be accounted for such as a median based baseline, or a more elaborated criterion as with a learned function. The approach retains pixel-accuracy with depth maps and is parallelizable. Our experiments over standard datasets shows that it provides state-of-the-art results with respect to recent approaches with implicit shape representations as well as with respect to traditional multi-view stereo methods.
- Dual-Space NeRF: Learning Animatable Avatars and Scene Lighting in Separate Spaces, 3DV2022 | [code]
Modeling the human body in a canonical space is a common practice for capturing and animation. But when involving the neural radiance field (NeRF), learning a static NeRF in the canonical space is not enough because the lighting of the body changes when the person moves even though the scene lighting is constant. Previous methods alleviate the inconsistency of lighting by learning a per-frame embedding, but this operation does not generalize to unseen poses. Given that the lighting condition is static in the world space while the human body is consistent in the canonical space, we propose a dual-space NeRF that models the scene lighting and the human body with two MLPs in two separate spaces. To bridge these two spaces, previous methods mostly rely on the linear blend skinning (LBS) algorithm. However, the blending weights for LBS of a dynamic neural field are intractable and thus are usually memorized with another MLP, which does not generalize to novel poses. Although it is possible to borrow the blending weights of a parametric mesh such as SMPL, the interpolation operation introduces more artifacts. In this paper, we propose to use the barycentric mapping, which can directly generalize to unseen poses and surprisingly achieves superior results than LBS with neural blending weights. Quantitative and qualitative results on the Human3.6M and the ZJU-MoCap datasets show the effectiveness of our method.
- NerfCap: Human Performance Capture With Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields, TVCG2022 | [code]
This paper addresses the challenge of human performance capture from sparse multi-view or monocular videos. Given a template mesh of the performer, previous methods capture the human motion by non-rigidly registering the template mesh to images with 2D silhouettes or dense photometric alignment. However, the detailed surface deformation cannot be recovered from the silhouettes, while the photometric alignment suffers from instability caused by appearance variation in the videos. To solve these problems, we propose NerfCap, a novel performance capture method based on the dynamic neural radiance field (NeRF) representation of the performer. Specifically, a canonical NeRF is initialized from the template geometry and registered to the video frames by optimizing the deformation field and the appearance model of the canonical NeRF. To capture both large body motion and detailed surface deformation, NerfCap combines linear blend skinning with embedded graph deformation. In contrast to the mesh-based methods that suffer from fixed topology and texture, NerfCap is able to flexibly capture complex geometry and appearance variation across the videos, and synthesize more photo-realistic images. In addition, NerfCap can be pre-trained end to end in a self-supervised manner by matching the synthesized videos with the input videos. Experimental results on various datasets show that NerfCap outperforms prior works in terms of both surface reconstruction accuracy and novel-view synthesis quality.
- Vox-Surf: Voxel-based Implicit Surface Representation | [code]
Virtual content creation and interaction play an important role in modern 3D applications such as AR and VR. Recovering detailed 3D models from real scenes can significantly expand the scope of its applications and has been studied for decades in the computer vision and computer graphics community. We propose Vox-Surf, a voxel-based implicit surface representation. Our Vox-Surf divides the space into finite bounded voxels. Each voxel stores geometry and appearance information in its corner vertices. Vox-Surf is suitable for almost any scenario thanks to sparsity inherited from voxel representation and can be easily trained from multiple view images. We leverage the progressive training procedure to extract important voxels gradually for further optimization so that only valid voxels are preserved, which greatly reduces the number of sampling points and increases rendering speed.The fine voxels can also be considered as the bounding volume for collision detection.The experiments show that Vox-Surf representation can learn delicate surface details and accurate color with less memory and faster rendering speed than other methods.We also show that Vox-Surf can be more practical in scene editing and AR applications.
- Neural Capture of Animatable 3D Human from Monocular Video, ECCV2022 | [code]
We present a novel paradigm of building an animatable 3D human representation from a monocular video input, such that it can be rendered in any unseen poses and views. Our method is based on a dynamic Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) rigged by a mesh-based parametric 3D human model serving as a geometry proxy. Previous methods usually rely on multi-view videos or accurate 3D geometry information as additional inputs; besides, most methods suffer from degraded quality when generalized to unseen poses. We identify that the key to generalization is a good input embedding for querying dynamic NeRF: A good input embedding should define an injective mapping in the full volumetric space, guided by surface mesh deformation under pose variation. Based on this observation, we propose to embed the input query with its relationship to local surface regions spanned by a set of geodesic nearest neighbors on mesh vertices. By including both position and relative distance information, our embedding defines a distance-preserved deformation mapping and generalizes well to unseen poses. To reduce the dependency on additional inputs, we first initialize per-frame 3D meshes using off-the-shelf tools and then propose a pipeline to jointly optimize NeRF and refine the initial mesh. Extensive experiments show our method can synthesize plausible human rendering results under unseen poses and views.
- OmniVoxel: A Fast and Precise Reconstruction Method of Omnidirectional Neural Radiance Field, GCCE 2022 | [code]
This paper proposes a method to reconstruct the neural radiance field with equirectangular omnidirectional images. Implicit neural scene representation with a radiance field can reconstruct the 3D shape of a scene continuously within a limited spatial area. However, training a fully implicit representation on commercial PC hardware requires a lot of time and computing resources (15 ∼ 20 hours per scene). Therefore, we propose a method to accelerate this process significantly (20 ∼ 40 minutes per scene). Instead of using a fully implicit representation of rays for radiance field reconstruction, we adopt feature voxels that contain density and color features in tensors. Considering omnidirectional equirectangular input and the camera layout, we use spherical voxelization for representation instead of cubic representation. Our voxelization method could balance the reconstruction quality of the inner scene and outer scene. In addition, we adopt the axis-aligned positional encoding method on the color features to increase the total image quality. Our method achieves satisfying empirical performance on synthetic datasets with random camera poses. Moreover, we test our method with real scenes which contain complex geometries and also achieve state-of-the-art performance. Our code and complete dataset will be released at the same time as the paper publication.
- Fast Gradient Descent for Surface Capture Via Differentiable Rendering, 3DV2022 | [code]
Differential rendering has recently emerged as a powerful tool for image-based rendering or geometric reconstruction from multiple views, with very high quality. Up to now, such methods have been benchmarked on generic object databases and promisingly applied to some real data, but have yet to be applied to specific applications that may benefit. In this paper, we investigate how a differential rendering system can be crafted for raw multi-camera performance capture. We address several key issues in the way of practical usability and reproducibility, such as processing speed, explainability of the model, and general output model quality. This leads us to several contributions to the differential rendering framework. In particular we show that a unified view of differential rendering and classic optimization is possible, leading to a formulation and implementation where complete non-stochastic gradient steps can be analytically computed and the full perframe data stored in video memory, yielding a straightforward and efficient implementation. We also use a sparse storage and coarse-to-fine scheme to achieve extremely high resolution with contained memory and computation time. We show experimentally that results rivaling in quality with state of the art multi-view human surface capture methods are achievable in a fraction of the time, typically around a minute per frame.
- PlaneFormers: From Sparse View Planes to 3D Reconstruction, ECCV2022 | [code]
We present an approach for the planar surface reconstruction of a scene from images with limited overlap. This reconstruction task is challenging since it requires jointly reasoning about single image 3D reconstruction, correspondence between images, and the relative camera pose between images. Past work has proposed optimization-based approaches. We introduce a simpler approach, the PlaneFormer, that uses a transformer applied to 3D-aware plane tokens to perform 3D reasoning. Our experiments show that our approach is substantially more effective than prior work, and that several 3D-specific design decisions are crucial for its success.
- PS-NeRV: Patch-wise Stylized Neural Representations for Videos | [code]
We study how to represent a video with implicit neural representations (INRs). Classical INRs methods generally utilize MLPs to map input coordinates to output pixels. While some recent works have tried to directly reconstruct the whole image with CNNs. However, we argue that both the above pixel-wise and image-wise strategies are not favorable to video data. Instead, we propose a patch-wise solution, PS-NeRV, which represents videos as a function of patches and the corresponding patch coordinate. It naturally inherits the advantages of image-wise methods, and achieves excellent reconstruction performance with fast decoding speed. The whole method includes conventional modules, like positional embedding, MLPs and CNNs, while also introduces AdaIN to enhance intermediate features. These simple yet essential changes could help the network easily fit high-frequency details. Extensive experiments have demonstrated its effectiveness in several video-related tasks, such as video compression and video inpainting.
- PRIF: Primary Ray-based Implicit Function | [code]
We introduce a new implicit shape representation called Primary Ray-based Implicit Function (PRIF). In contrast to most existing approaches based on the signed distance function (SDF) which handles spatial locations, our representation operates on oriented rays. Specifically, PRIF is formulated to directly produce the surface hit point of a given input ray, without the expensive sphere-tracing operations, hence enabling efficient shape extraction and differentiable rendering. We demonstrate that neural networks trained to encode PRIF achieve successes in various tasks including single shape representation, category-wise shape generation, shape completion from sparse or noisy observations, inverse rendering for camera pose estimation, and neural rendering with color.
- Going Off-Grid: Continuous Implicit Neural Representations for 3D Vascular Modeling, MICCAI STACOM 2022 | [code]
Personalised 3D vascular models are valuable for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning in patients with cardiovascular disease. Traditionally, such models have been constructed with explicit representations such as meshes and voxel masks, or implicit representations such as radial basis functions or atomic (tubular) shapes. Here, we propose to represent surfaces by the zero level set of their signed distance function (SDF) in a differentiable implicit neural representation (INR). This allows us to model complex vascular structures with a representation that is implicit, continuous, light-weight, and easy to integrate with deep learning algorithms. We here demonstrate the potential of this approach with three practical examples. First, we obtain an accurate and watertight surface for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) from CT images and show robust fitting from as little as 200 points on the surface. Second, we simultaneously fit nested vessel walls in a single INR without intersections. Third, we show how 3D models of individual arteries can be smoothly blended into a single watertight surface. Our results show that INRs are a flexible representation with potential for minimally interactive annotation and manipulation of complex vascular structures.
- GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation |
We introduce GAUDI, a generative model capable of capturing the distribution of complex and realistic 3D scenes that can be rendered immersively from a moving camera. We tackle this challenging problem with a scalable yet powerful approach, where we first optimize a latent representation that disentangles radiance fields and camera poses. This latent representation is then used to learn a generative model that enables both unconditional and conditional generation of 3D scenes. Our model generalizes previous works that focus on single objects by removing the assumption that the camera pose distribution can be shared across samples. We show that GAUDI obtains state-of-the-art performance in the unconditional generative setting across multiple datasets and allows for conditional generation of 3D scenes given conditioning variables like sparse image observations or text that describes the scene.
- AlignSDF: Pose-Aligned Signed Distance Fields for Hand-Object Reconstruction, ECCV2022 |
Recent work achieved impressive progress towards joint reconstruction of hands and manipulated objects from monocular color images. Existing methods focus on two alternative representations in terms of either parametric meshes or signed distance fields (SDFs). On one side, parametric models can benefit from prior knowledge at the cost of limited shape deformations and mesh resolutions. Mesh models, hence, may fail to precisely reconstruct details such as contact surfaces of hands and objects. SDF-based methods, on the other side, can represent arbitrary details but are lacking explicit priors. In this work we aim to improve SDF models using priors provided by parametric representations. In particular, we propose a joint learning framework that disentangles the pose and the shape. We obtain hand and object poses from parametric models and use them to align SDFs in 3D space. We show that such aligned SDFs better focus on reconstructing shape details and improve reconstruction accuracy both for hands and objects. We evaluate our method and demonstrate significant improvements over the state of the art on the challenging ObMan and DexYCB benchmarks.
- NeuMesh: Learning Disentangled Neural Mesh-based Implicit Field for Geometry and Texture Editing, ECCV2022(oral) | [code]
Very recently neural implicit rendering techniques have been rapidly evolved and shown great advantages in novel view synthesis and 3D scene reconstruction. However, existing neural rendering methods for editing purposes offer limited functionality, e.g., rigid transformation, or not applicable for fine-grained editing for general objects from daily lives. In this paper, we present a novel mesh-based representation by encoding the neural implicit field with disentangled geometry and texture codes on mesh vertices, which facilitates a set of editing functionalities, including mesh-guided geometry editing, designated texture editing with texture swapping, filling and painting operations. To this end, we develop several techniques including learnable sign indicators to magnify spatial distinguishability of mesh-based representation, distillation and fine-tuning mechanism to make a steady convergence, and the spatial-aware optimization strategy to realize precise texture editing. Extensive experiments and editing examples on both real and synthetic data demonstrate the superiority of our method on representation quality and editing ability. Code is available on the project webpage: this https URL.
- Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields: Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis of a Deforming Scene from Monocular Video,, ICCV2021 |
We present Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields (NR-NeRF), a reconstruction and novel view synthesis approach for general non-rigid dynamic scenes. Our approach takes RGB images of a dynamic scene as input (e.g., from a monocular video recording), and creates a high-quality space-time geometry and appearance representation. We show that a single handheld consumer-grade camera is sufficient to synthesize sophisticated renderings of a dynamic scene from novel virtual camera views, e.g. a `bullet-time' video effect. NR-NeRF disentangles the dynamic scene into a canonical volume and its deformation. Scene deformation is implemented as ray bending, where straight rays are deformed non-rigidly. We also propose a novel rigidity network to better constrain rigid regions of the scene, leading to more stable results. The ray bending and rigidity network are trained without explicit supervision. Our formulation enables dense correspondence estimation across views and time, and compelling video editing applications such as motion exaggeration. Our code will be open sourced.
- Neural Articulated Radiance Field, ICCV2021 |
We present Neural Articulated Radiance Field (NARF), a novel deformable 3D representation for articulated objects learned from images. While recent advances in 3D implicit representation have made it possible to learn models of complex objects, learning pose-controllable representations of articulated objects remains a challenge, as current methods require 3D shape supervision and are unable to render appearance. In formulating an implicit representation of 3D articulated objects, our method considers only the rigid transformation of the most relevant object part in solving for the radiance field at each 3D location. In this way, the proposed method represents pose-dependent changes without significantly increasing the computational complexity. NARF is fully differentiable and can be trained from images with pose annotations. Moreover, through the use of an autoencoder, it can learn appearance variations over multiple instances of an object class. Experiments show that the proposed method is efficient and can generalize well to novel poses.
- GRF: Learning a General Radiance Field for 3D Scene Representation and Rendering, ICCV2021(oral) |
We present a simple yet powerful neural network that implicitly represents and renders 3D objects and scenes only from 2D observations. The network models 3D geometries as a general radiance field, which takes a set of 2D images with camera poses and intrinsics as input, constructs an internal representation for each point of the 3D space, and then renders the corresponding appearance and geometry of that point viewed from an arbitrary position. The key to our approach is to learn local features for each pixel in 2D images and to then project these features to 3D points, thus yielding general and rich point representations. We additionally integrate an attention mechanism to aggregate pixel features from multiple 2D views, such that visual occlusions are implicitly taken into account. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality and realistic novel views for novel objects, unseen categories and challenging real-world scenes.
- MVSNeRF: Fast Generalizable Radiance Field Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo, ICCV2021 |
We present MVSNeRF, a novel neural rendering approach that can efficiently reconstruct neural radiance fields for view synthesis. Unlike prior works on neural radiance fields that consider per-scene optimization on densely captured images, we propose a generic deep neural network that can reconstruct radiance fields from only three nearby input views via fast network inference. Our approach leverages plane-swept cost volumes (widely used in multi-view stereo) for geometry-aware scene reasoning, and combines this with physically based volume rendering for neural radiance field reconstruction. We train our network on real objects in the DTU dataset, and test it on three different datasets to evaluate its effectiveness and generalizability. Our approach can generalize across scenes (even indoor scenes, completely different from our training scenes of objects) and generate realistic view synthesis results using only three input images, significantly outperforming concurrent works on generalizable radiance field reconstruction. Moreover, if dense images are captured, our estimated radiance field representation can be easily fine-tuned; this leads to fast per-scene reconstruction with higher rendering quality and substantially less optimization time than NeRF.
- Towards Continuous Depth MPI with NeRF for Novel View Synthesis, ICCV2021 |
In this paper, we propose MINE to perform novel view synthesis and depth estimation via dense 3D reconstruction from a single image. Our approach is a continuous depth generalization of the Multiplane Images (MPI) by introducing the NEural radiance fields (NeRF). Given a single image as input, MINE predicts a 4-channel image (RGB and volume density) at arbitrary depth values to jointly reconstruct the camera frustum and fill in occluded contents. The reconstructed and inpainted frustum can then be easily rendered into novel RGB or depth views using differentiable rendering. Extensive experiments on RealEstate10K, KITTI and Flowers Light Fields show that our MINE outperforms state-of-the-art by a large margin in novel view synthesis. We also achieve competitive results in depth estimation on iBims-1 and NYU-v2 without annotated depth supervision. Our source code is available at this https URL
- UNISURF: Unifying Neural Implicit Surfaces and Radiance Fields for Multi-View Reconstruction, ICCV2021(oral) |
Neural implicit 3D representations have emerged as a powerful paradigm for reconstructing surfaces from multi-view images and synthesizing novel views. Unfortunately, existing methods such as DVR or IDR require accurate per-pixel object masks as supervision. At the same time, neural radiance fields have revolutionized novel view synthesis. However, NeRF's estimated volume density does not admit accurate surface reconstruction. Our key insight is that implicit surface models and radiance fields can be formulated in a unified way, enabling both surface and volume rendering using the same model. This unified perspective enables novel, more efficient sampling procedures and the ability to reconstruct accurate surfaces without input masks. We compare our method on the DTU, BlendedMVS, and a synthetic indoor dataset. Our experiments demonstrate that we outperform NeRF in terms of reconstruction quality while performing on par with IDR without requiring masks.
- NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction, NeurIPS2021 |
We present a novel neural surface reconstruction method, called NeuS, for reconstructing objects and scenes with high fidelity from 2D image inputs. Existing neural surface reconstruction approaches, such as DVR and IDR, require foreground mask as supervision, easily get trapped in local minima, and therefore struggle with the reconstruction of objects with severe self-occlusion or thin structures. Meanwhile, recent neural methods for novel view synthesis, such as NeRF and its variants, use volume rendering to produce a neural scene representation with robustness of optimization, even for highly complex objects. However, extracting high-quality surfaces from this learned implicit representation is difficult because there are not sufficient surface constraints in the representation. In NeuS, we propose to represent a surface as the zero-level set of a signed distance function (SDF) and develop a new volume rendering method to train a neural SDF representation. We observe that the conventional volume rendering method causes inherent geometric errors (i.e. bias) for surface reconstruction, and therefore propose a new formulation that is free of bias in the first order of approximation, thus leading to more accurate surface reconstruction even without the mask supervision. Experiments on the DTU dataset and the BlendedMVS dataset show that NeuS outperforms the state-of-the-arts in high-quality surface reconstruction, especially for objects and scenes with complex structures and self-occlusion.
- Volume Rendering of Neural Implicit Surfaces, NeurIPS2021 | [code]
Neural volume rendering became increasingly popular recently due to its success in synthesizing novel views of a scene from a sparse set of input images. So far, the geometry learned by neural volume rendering techniques was modeled using a generic density function. Furthermore, the geometry itself was extracted using an arbitrary level set of the density function leading to a noisy, often low fidelity reconstruction. The goal of this paper is to improve geometry representation and reconstruction in neural volume rendering. We achieve that by modeling the volume density as a function of the geometry. This is in contrast to previous work modeling the geometry as a function of the volume density. In more detail, we define the volume density function as Laplace's cumulative distribution function (CDF) applied to a signed distance function (SDF) representation. This simple density representation has three benefits: (i) it provides a useful inductive bias to the geometry learned in the neural volume rendering process; (ii) it facilitates a bound on the opacity approximation error, leading to an accurate sampling of the viewing ray. Accurate sampling is important to provide a precise coupling of geometry and radiance; and (iii) it allows efficient unsupervised disentanglement of shape and appearance in volume rendering. Applying this new density representation to challenging scene multiview datasets produced high quality geometry reconstructions, outperforming relevant baselines. Furthermore, switching shape and appearance between scenes is possible due to the disentanglement of the two.