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Fubar company is looking to hire a new programmer. However, they're having 
difficulty choosing between a few of the applicants. While brainstorming intelligent ways 
to decide between the applicants, they quickly decided that Seraph was right... 

"You do not truly know someone until you fight them" 

In that spirit, we bring you Applicant Wars, the next generation picker-chooser-thingy


Being... well... programmers, the applicants weapon of choice is the slap. Each applicant
must engage in a mono y mono match with each other applicant. 

A match consists of one or more rounds where two applicants square off in a fight until one 
applicant gets slapped so hard by another applicant that he or she literally can't walk. This is 
serious business.

In each round, the applicants alternate slapping each other until both candidates have exhausted
the number of attacks they are permitted, or a candidate's health reaches or drops below 0. You 
may randomly choose who attacks first in each round, or if you're feeling spicy, you can implement
an initiative system using the initiative data supplied in the import file.


The application must import the provided applicant spreadsheet (applicants.csv), which contains
the vitals for each applicant. Each applicant must then fight against all the other applicants. 
The applicant with the highest winning percentage after all the matches are completed gets the 

Example match:

	Candidate 1:
		Health: 46
		Damage: 3
		Attacks: 5

	Candidate 2:
		Health: 52
		Damage: 8
		Attacks: 2

	Round 1:
		Candidate 1 is randomly selected to go first (43 > 40)  <-- initiative roll
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (52 -> 49)    <-- Damage applied (health before damage -> health after damage)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (46 -> 38)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (49 -> 46)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (38 -> 30)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (46 -> 43)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (43 -> 40)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (40 -> 37)
	Round 2:
		Candidate 1 is randomly selected to go first (26 > 11)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (37 -> 34)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (30 -> 22)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (34 -> 31)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (22 -> 14)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (31 -> 28)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (28 -> 25)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (25 -> 22)
	Round 3:
		Candidate 2 is randomly selected to go first (35 > 29)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (14 -> 6)
		Candidate 1 hits candidate 2 for 3 damage (22 -> 19)
		Candidate 2 hits candidate 1 for 8 damage (6 -> -2)
		Candidate 2 wins!

Additional info:

Try to keep application output clear and readable, but consice. Using the above output
format would work fine, though feel free to provide what you feel is best.

In regards to program design, you have complete control. This challenge was designed to
get a feel for your problem solving ability and creativity.

	Name 		- Applicant name
	Health 		- Starting health
	Damage 		- Damage that each slap inflicts
	Attacks 	- Number of attacks per round
I've also included some additional columns in the spreadsheet that you can incorporate if
you have extra time:

	Dodge 		- Percentage chance to dodge
	Critical 	- Percentage chance to inflict critical damage (x2)
	Initiative 	- Added to random roll for deciding who goes first each round


slapping game






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