I tried to add some wrapper stuff for the Neo4j Spatial implementation. So you are able to create a city Munich as follows:
val munich = add newPoint ((15.3, 56.2))
munich.setProperty("City", "Munich")
and attached it to a federal state like Bavaria:
val bayernBuffer = Buffer[(Double, Double)]((15, 56), (16, 56), (15, 57), (16, 57), (15, 56))
val bayern = add newPolygon (LinRing(bayernBuffer))
bayern.setProperty("FederalState", "Bayern")
federalStates --> "isFederalState" --> bayern
Additionally I added some examples like those pattern shown in the Neo4j Design Guide:
. . .
class FedaralState(val node: SpatialDatabaseRecord) extends . . . {
object FedaralState {
val KEY_FEDSTATE_NAME = "federalState"
def name = node.getProperty(FedaralState.KEY_FEDSTATE_NAME)
def name_=(n: String) {
node.setProperty(FedaralState.KEY_FEDSTATE_NAME, n)
def getCapitalCity(implicit layer: EditableLayer) = {
val o = node.getSingleRelationship("CapitalCityOf", Direction.INCOMING).getOtherNode(node)
new City(new SpatialDatabaseRecord(layer, o))
. . .
that finaly result in code as follows:
* create Munich and "attach" it to the cities node
val munich = NewSpatialNode[City]((15.3, 56.2))
munich.name = "Munich"
cities --> "isCity" --> munich
* create a polygon called Bayern, "attach" it to the federal state node and
* "attach" the capital city Munich
val bayernBuffer = Buffer[(Double, Double)]((15, 56), (16, 56), (15, 57), (16, 57), (15, 56))
val bayern = NewSpatialNode[FedaralState](bayernBuffer)
bayern.name = "Bayern"
federalStates --> "isFederalState" --> bayern
munich --> "CapitalCityOf" --> bayern
Lookes rather nice IMHO, but is still very incomplete...
The access of the Neo4j Lucene Index will be handled by the trait Neo4jIndexProvider. It can be used like this example to configure and use a index for full text search:
object XXX extends . . . with Neo4jIndexProvider {
override def NodeIndexConfig = ("MyTestIndex", Map("provider" -> "lucene", "type" -> "fulltext")) :: Nil
. . .
val nodeIndex = getNodeIndex("MyTestIndex").get
withSpatialTx {
implicit db =>
val theMatrix = createNode
val theMatrixReloaded = createNode
theMatrixReloaded.setProperty("name", "theMatrixReloaded")
nodeIndex.add(theMatrix, "title", "The Matrix")
nodeIndex.add(theMatrixReloaded, "title", "The Matrix Reloaded")
// search in the fulltext index
val found = nodeIndex.query("title", "reloAdEd")
. . .
The rest if this README is the original one.
The Neo4j Scala wrapper library allows you the Neo4j open source graph database through a domain-specific simplified language. It is written in Scala and is intended to be used in other Scala projects.
This wrapper is mostly based on the work done by Martin Kleppmann in his Scala implementation of RESTful JSON HTTP resources on top of the Neo4j graph database and Jersey project. I thought it'd be useful to extract the Neo4j DSL into a separate project, and Marting agreed to this.
You need a Java 5 (or newer) environment and Maven 2.0.9 (or newer) installed:
$ mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.0-alpha-5 (r883378; 2009-11-23 16:53:41+0100)
Java version: 1.6.0_15
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.31-12-generic" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"
You should now be able to do a full build of neo4j-resources
$ git clone git://github.com/jawher/neo4j-scala.git
$ cd neo4j-scala
$ mvn clean install
To use this library in your projects, add the following to the dependencies
section of your
If you don't use Maven, take target/neo4j-scala-0.9.9-SNAPSHOT.jar
and all of its dependencies, and add them to your classpath.
Please consider using Github issues tracker to submit bug reports or feature requests.
Using this wrapper, this is how creating two relationships can look in Scala:
start --> "KNOWS" --> intermediary --> "KNOWS" --> end
And this is how getting and setting properties on a node or relationship looks like :
start("foo") = "bar"
start("foo") match {
case Some(x) => println(x)
case None => println("aww")
Besides, the neo4j scala binding makes it possible to write stop and returnable evaluators in a functional style :
//StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH, written in a Scala idiomatic way :
start.traverse(Traverser.Order.BREADTH_FIRST, (tp : TraversalPosition) => false, ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("foo"), Direction.OUTGOING)
//ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE, written in a Scala idiomatic way :
start.traverse(Traverser.Order.BREADTH_FIRST, StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH, (tp : TraversalPosition) => tp.notStartNode(), DynamicRelationshipType.withName("foo"), Direction.OUTGOING)
for details.