This utility supports high-level unit testing for applications which consume external HTTP services which can be defined using Spring-flavoured REST.
In a nutshell, mocking external REST services becomes as simple as mocking any other bean using Mockito.
Users will benefit from
- full-stack integration-style unit testing - over-the-wire mocking on local ports.
- Mockito support - i.e. full method/type safety
- simple setup using JUnit 5
- Tomcat, Jetty & Undertow support
The target API must be available either in the form of an annotated interface or a concrete implementation at compile time.
When working with OpenAPI definitions this usually means running the code generator two times:
- model + client (main scope), and
- to-be-mocked server (test scope).
Bugs, feature suggestions and help requests can be filed with the issue-tracker.
The project is built with Maven and is available on the central Maven repository.
Maven coordinates
Add the property
then add for Tomcat
or Undertow
or Jetty
Gradle coordinates
ext {
mockitoRestSpringVersion = '2.0.x'
add for Tomcat
or Undertow,
or Jetty
If you prefer skipping to a full example, see
- REST service unit test
- GraphQL service unit test example, featuring mockito-graphql-matchers.
In your JUnit test, add a MockitoEndpointExtension
before (above) any SpringExtension
or @SpringBootTest
. Then mock service endpoints by using
private MyRestService myRestService;
where the MyRestService
is either an interface or a concrete @RestController
implementation. For a custom (or missing) class level RequestMapping add a path
@MockEndpoint(path = "/rest")
private MyRestService myRestService;
The returned serviceMock
instance is a normal Mockito mock(..) object.
The mock endpoint is started on a random free local port and saved to System
property mockitoRestSpringServerPort
Configure your client to pick up this value, for example via regular properties in Spring:
Create mock response via code
// init response
MyResponse expected = new MyResponse();
or from JSON
MyResponse response = jsonUtil.readResource("/example/MyResponse1.xml", MyResponse.class);
using your favorite JSON utility. Then mock
or with a ResponseEntity
wrapper (via OpenAPI useResponseEntity
when(myRestService.method3(any(MyRequest.class)).thenReturn(new ResponseEntity<>(expected, HttpStatus.OK));
and apply standard Mockito test approach.
After triggering calls to the mock service, verify number of method calls
ArgumentCaptor<MyRequest> argument1 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(MyRequest.class);
verify(myRestService, times(1)).method3(argument1.capture());
and request details
MyRequest request = argument1.getValue();
assertThat(request.getCode(), is(1));
Manually add the API interface
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException;
public interface MyGraphQLApi {
method = RequestMethod.POST,
value = "/graphql",
produces = { "application/json" },
consumes = { "application/json"}
default String request(@RequestBody String graphQL) throws ResponseStatusException {
throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
and work with String request/response. Match requests using mockito-graphql-matchers or equivalent.
You might supplement your testing using the following more low-level mocking projects:
- 2.0.3: Dependency updates
- 2.0.2: Dependency updates
- 2.0.1: Fix Tomcat temporary folder
- 2.0.0: Update to latest Spring, drop JUnit 4 support.
- 1.0.3: JUnit 5 support for Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow.
- 1.0.2: Improved JAXB helper, fix artifact id.
- 1.0.1: Support for API interfaces, including Swagger-generated stubs. See this unit test.
- 1.0.0: Initial version