This repo contains the docker-compose.yml
necessary to spin up a Consul DC and counting/dashboard service.
This is used both for local development and Katacoda Scenario.
The ACL setup via docker compose was inspired by:
This workspace contains the following:
- simple Consul datacenter running with ACL pre-configured (UI on port :8500):
- 3 Consul servers
- 2 Consul clients
- Counting service running on port :9001
- Dashboard for counting service running on port :8080
Start up containers.
$ docker-compose up -d
Starting consul-playground_consul-server-1 ... done
Starting consul-playground_consul-agent_1 ... done
Run the following command to view the Master ACL Token.
$ docker exec -it consul-playground_consul-server-1_1 consul acl bootstrap
AccessorID: 8bd3c315-9155-57d7-a22f-451665f71154
SecretID: 4ec60a89-abaa-fda9-46c1-e6e174094a97
Description: Bootstrap Token (Global Management)
Local: false
Create Time: 2018-12-02 06:44:09.0256574 +0000 UTC
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 - global-management
Then, you can run the consul command with token like below.
$ docker exec -it consul-playground_consul-server-1_1 consul members -token=<TOKEN>
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segment
consul-server-1 alive server 1.4.0 2 test-dc <all>
consul-agent-1 alive client 1.4.0 2 test-dc <default>
To set up and run consul-esm, you need to assign the master ACL token in the esm-config.hcl file. The consul-esm binary has already been downloaded and unzipped in the server binary.
$ docker exec -it consul-playground_consul-server-1_1 sh -c "echo 'token = \"<TOKEN>\"' > esm-config.hcl"
Then, run the following command. this should initialize consul-esm and automatically register any external nodes.
$ docker exec -itd consul-playground_consul-server-1_1 sh -c "./consul-esm -config-file=esm-config.hcl"
2020/03/04 20:11:17 [INFO] Connecting to Consul on
Consul ESM running!
Datacenter: (default)
Service: "consul-esm"
Service Tag: ""
Service ID: "consul-esm:09be447c-2585-4891-474c-9d17875cbab2"
Node Reconnect Timeout: "72h0m0s"
Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
2020/03/04 20:11:17 [INFO] Trying to obtain leadership...
2020/03/04 20:11:17 [INFO] Obtained leadership
2020/03/04 20:11:17 [INFO] Caught signal: window changed
2020/03/04 20:11:18 [INFO] Rebalanced 0 external nodes across 1 ESM instances