released this
23 Jul 21:15
Added datatype api__TransactionInput
Added datatype transaction__UxBalance
Added function SKY_transaction_NewUxBalances
Added function SKY_transaction_DistributeCoinHoursProportional
, SKY_transaction_DistributeSpendHours
Added funcion SKY_coin_VerifyInputSignatures
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_SetTime
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_SetBkSeq
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_SetFee
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_SetVersion
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_Version
Added funcion SKY_coin_BlockHeader_PrevHash
Support for this new functions in skyapi
Add POST /api/v2/wallet/transaction/sign to sign an unsigned transaction with a wallet
Add POST /api/v2/transaction to create an unsigned transaction from addresses or unspent outputs without a wallet
Add /api/v2/data APIs for transaction notes and generic key-value storage.
Update /metrics endpoint to add metrics from /health: unspent_outputs, unconfirmed_txns, time_since_last_block_seconds, open_connections, outgoing_connections, incoming_connections, start_at, uptime_seconds, last_block_seq.
Support for this changed functions in skyapi
Add /api/v1/resendUnconfirmedTxns to the WALLET API set
In POST /api/v1/wallet/transaction, moved wallet parameters to the top level of the object
POST /api/v2/wallet/seed/verify returns an error if the seed's checksum is invalid
Increase the detail of error messages for invalid seeds sent to POST /api/v2/wallet/seed/verify
Removed symbolic links from vendor
Removed function SKY_webrpc_NewClient
, SKY_webrpc_Client_CSRF
, SKY_webrpc_Client_InjectTransaction
, SKY_webrpc_Client_GetStatus
, SKY_webrpc_Client_GetAddressUxOuts
, SKY_webrpc_Client_GetBlocksInRange
, SKY_webrpc_Client_GetBlocksBySeq
and SKY_webrpc_Client_GetLastBlocks
Removed datatype wallet__UxBalance
Removed fuction SKY_cipher_VerifySignedHash
Removed fuction SKY_bip39_MnemonicToByteArray
Removed fuction SKY_api_Client_Spend
, SKY_api_Client_AddressTransactions
Removed fuction SKY_coin_Block_PreHashHeader
, SKY_coin_Block_String
and SKY_coin_BlockHeader_String
Removed functions exported for coin.math
Removed function SKY_coin_Transaction_TxID
Removed function SKY_wallet_DistributeSpendHours
Removed function SKY_wallet_DistributeCoinHoursProportional
Removed function SKY_wallet_NewUxBalances
Removed support for next functions in skyapi
You can’t perform that action at this time.