This wiki is used to document all of the product and things that happen in the skycoin ecoysystem and community.
Please keep the folder structure organized.
Folder Structure
- ProjectName:
- devdocs: all documentation for people developing this product
- img: images for the general usage of this project
- setup: holds a setup guide for available operating sytems (one file per os)
- userdocs: all documentation for people using this product
You are always welcomed to open issues or do pull-requests to suggest improvements or errors on the wiki.
Clone this repository
Install Dependencies
Install Material for MkDocs with
pip install mkdocs-material
See also here
Install git-revision-date plugin with
pip3 install mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin
Install macros-plugin with
pip install mkdocs-macros-plugin
Test your changes with local build
- move into folder wiki and start with command
mkdocs serve
- Start your browser and go to the displayed IP (e.g. htps://localhost:8000)
You can now change your files and save them, mkdocs will recognize this and rebuild the site locally.
- move into folder wiki and start with command
Pull-Request your changes
Checkout to the main branch.
git switch main
Make sure you have synchronized the latest changes by running
git pull
Afterwards build and deploy the wiki to Github Pages by running the following command:
mkdocs gh-deploy
MkDocs will build your docs and use the ghp-import tool to commit them to the gh-pages branch and push the gh-pages branch to GitHub.