An implementation of the Discord API using Ruby.
See also: Documentation, Tutorials
- Ruby 2.1+
- An installed build system for native extensions (on Windows for Ruby < 2.4, try the DevKit; installation instructions here - you only need to do the quick start)
Note: RubyInstaller for Ruby versions 2.4+ will install the DevKit as the last step of the installation.
This section only applies to you if you want to use voice functionality.
- libsodium
- A compiled libopus distribution for your system, anywhere the script can find it. See here for installation instructions.
- FFmpeg installed and in your PATH
In addition to this, if you're on Windows and want to use voice functionality, your installed Ruby version needs to be 32 bit, as otherwise Opus won't work.
Using Bundler, you can add discordrb to your Gemfile:
gem 'discordrb'
And then install via bundle install
Run the ping example to verify that the installation works (make sure to replace the token and client ID in there with your bots'!):
To run the bot while using bundler:
bundle exec ruby ping.rb
Alternatively, while Bundler is the recommended option, you can also install discordrb without it.
gem install discordrb
Make sure you have the DevKit installed! See the Dependencies section)
gem install discordrb --platform=ruby
To run the bot:
ruby ping.rb
If you get an error like this when installing the gem:
ERROR: Error installing discordrb:
The 'websocket-driver' native gem requires installed build tools.
You're missing the development kit required to build native extensions. Download the development kit here (scroll down to "Development Kit", then choose the one for Ruby 2.0 and your system architecture) and extract it somewhere. Open a command prompt in that folder and run:
ruby dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install
Then reinstall discordrb:
gem uninstall discordrb
bundle install
# Or, if you didn't use bundler:
gem install discordrb
If Ruby complains about ffi_c
not being able to be found:
For example
C:/Ruby23-x64/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- ffi_c (LoadError)
Your ffi setup is screwed up, first run gem uninstall ffi
(uninstall all versions if it asks you, say yes to any unmet dependencies), then run gem install ffi --platform=ruby
to fix it. If it says something about build tools, follow the steps in the first troubleshooting section.
If you're having trouble getting voice playback to work:
Look here:
You can make a simple bot like this:
require 'discordrb'
bot = token: '<token here>'
bot.message(with_text: 'Ping!') do |event|
event.respond 'Pong!'
This bot responds to every "Ping!" with a "Pong!".
You can find examples of projects that use discordrb by searching for the discordrb topic on GitHub.
If you've made an open source project on GitHub that uses discordrb, consider adding the discordrb
topic to your repo!
You can find me (@meew0, ID 66237334693085184) on the unofficial Discord API server - if you have a question, just ask there, I or somebody else will probably answer you:
This section is for developing discordrb itself! If you just want to make a bot, see the Installation section.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. You can then run tests via bundle exec rspec spec
. Make sure to run rubocop also: bundle exec rubocop
. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.