itunespy is a simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python 3.5 and beyond.
You can install it from pip:
pip install itunespy
Or you can simply clone this project anywhere in your computer:
git clone
And then enter the cloned repo and execute:
python install
itunespy requires Requests and pycountry installed.
Search an artist and show all its album's names:
import itunespy
artist = itunespy.search_artist('Steven Wilson') # Returns a list
albums = artist[0].get_albums() # Get albums from the first result
for album in albums:
Or search an album and show all its song's names and length, and finally the album length:
import itunespy
album = itunespy.search_album('One Hour By The Concrete Lake') # Returns a list
tracks = album[0].get_tracks() # Get tracks from the first result
for track in tracks:
print(track.artist_name + ': ' + track.track_name + str(track.get_track_time_minutes()))
print('Total playing time: ' + str(album[0].get_album_time()))
Or search for a track:
import itunespy
track = itunespy.search_track('Iter Impius') # Returns a list
print(track[0].artist_name + ': ' + track[0].track_name + ' | Length: ' + str(track[0].get_track_time_minutes())) # Get info from the first result
Or ebook authors:
import itunespy
author = itunespy.search_book_author('Fyodor Dostoevsky') # Search for Dostoevsky
books = author[0].get_books() # Get books from the firs result
for book in books:
print(book.track_name) # Show each book's name
Or software:
import itunespy
telegram = itunespy.search_software('Telegram')
print(telegram[0].track_name) # Prints 'Telegram Messenger'
Basically, every search_ method is just an alias for a general search with certain parameters to make your life easier.
I made the basic ones, if you miss any, make an issue and provide information about the type you want added.
You can also perform a lookup:
import itunespy
lookup = itunespy.lookup(upc=720642462928) # Lookup for the Weezer's album 'Weezer'
for item in lookup:
print(item.artist_name + ': ' + item.collection_name)
Since every search or lookup can return more than one object type, every object in the returned list has a 'type' property, so you can check if it's an artist, album or track like this:
import itunespy
lookup = itunespy.lookup(id=428011728) # Steven Wilson's ID
for l in lookup:
if l.type == 'artist':
print(l.artist_type) # Since it's an artist, you can also check its artist type
For a complete list, take a look at the wrapperType and kind documentation in the iTunes API's site.
Each request has some parameters that you need to know. Searches has these:
term: The URL-encoded text string you want to search for. Example: Steven Wilson.
The function will take care of spaces so you don't have to.
country: The two-letter country code for the store you want to search.
For a full list of the codes:
media: The media type you want to search for. Since this module is made for music I recommend leaving it blank.
entity: The type of results you want returned, relative to the specified media type. Example: musicArtist.
Full list: musicArtist, musicTrack, album, musicVideo, mix, song
attribute: The attribute you want to search for in the stores, relative to the specified media type.
limit: The number of search results you want the iTunes Store to return.
Note: Only the term is obligatory, the other ones have default values that will be used in case you don't provide any. Note 2: In specific searches, like search_artist or search_album, etc, don't change entity, since it's configured inside the function to retrieve an specific entity.
For lookups, the same parameters apply except for term, which changes to a couple of id fields:
id: iTunes ID of the artist/album/track
artist_amg_id: All Music Guide ID of the artist
upc: UPCs/EANs
Every search and lookup will always return a list of result_item instances, except if it's an artist, album, movie artist or an ebook author, which inheritates from result_item but has extra methods, like get_albums in music_artist. Each object has their own variables, following the iTunes API names adapted to Python syntax.
To take a look at all of this simply go to the item_result class.
I'm accepting any pull request to improve or fix anything in the library, just fork the project and hack it!