This is a library for node.js, build on the original Proj4JS sources made for thr the browser
Without cloning this project you can use it directly using npm :
npm install proj4js
In your JS :
var Proj4js = require("proj4js");
You should use either one of the provided projection which is stored in the "defs" subdirectory of the "lib" folder of the node Proj4JS project (have a look at your project node_modules folder), or an equivalent file in your own "defs" subdirectory relative to the directory containing the module requiring proj4js.
var Proj4js = require("proj4js"),
proj = new Proj4js.Proj("EPSG:4139");
console.log(Proj4js.transform(Proj4js.WGS84, proj, new Proj4js.Point([45,5])));
//{ x: 44.999611051259926,
// y: 5.0013285897182325,
// z: -117.26076901517808 }
(Also works with local files, like synchronous mode)
var Proj4js = require("proj4js"),
proj = new Proj4js.Proj("EPSG:2192", function() {
console.log(Proj4js.transform(Proj4js.WGS84, proj, new Proj4js.Point([45,5])));
//{ x: 6295336.596034983,
// y: -1241636.8411306776,
// z: -250.30824038013816 }
For more documentation on Proj4JS usage, please read the original proj4js documentation :
git clone git://
cd node-proj4js
cd build
npm install async underscore mkdirp
node ./build.js
cd node # here is the resulting package !
then you can use it with npm link (see documentation) or do a
npm install