Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro and Siddharth Mishra-Sharma
We introduce a diffusion-based generative model to describe the distribution of galaxies in our Universe directly as a collection of points in 3-D space (coordinates) optionally with associated attributes (e.g., velocities and masses), without resorting to binning or voxelization. The custom diffusion model can be used both for emulation, reproducing essential summary statistics of the galaxy distribution, as well as inference, by computing the conditional likelihood of a galaxy field. We demonstrate a first application to massive dark matter haloes in the Quijote simulation suite. This approach can be extended to enable a comprehensive analysis of cosmological data, circumventing limitations inherent to summary statistics- as well as neural simulation-based inference methods.
The Python environment is defined in environment.yml
. To create the environment run e.g.,
mamba env create --file environment.yaml
For evaluation of the nbody dataset, Corrfunc
is needed:
python -m pip install git+[corrfunc]
The processed dark matter halo features from the Quijote simulations used to train the model can be found here. Make sure to update the hard-coded DATA_DIR
to point to the location of the dataset before training.
- The diffusion model is defined in
, with auxiliary utilities (loss, sampling, noise schedules) inmodels/
. The model is based on the google-research/vdm repo. - Score models are called from
, with the transformer model defined inmodels/
and the GNN model inmodels/
With the dataset in place, the diffusion model can be trained via
python --config ./configs/
which is called from scripts/
. The config file ./configs/
(which sets diffusion, score model, and dataset configuration) can be edited accordingly. Similarly, scripts/
computes the likelihood profiles for the trained model, calling
The notebooks
directory contains notebooks used to produce results for the paper, each linked from the respective figures.
For standalone usage, the following can be used to compute the variational lower bound loss and sample from the model:
import jax
import jax.numpy as np
from flax.core import FrozenDict
from models.diffusion import VariationalDiffusionModel
from models.diffusion_utils import generate, loss_vdm
# Transformer (score model) args
score_dict = FrozenDict({"d_model":256, "d_mlp":512, "n_layers":5, "n_heads":4, "induced_attention":False, "n_inducing_points":32})
# Instantiate model
vdm = VariationalDiffusionModel(gamma_min=-6.0, gamma_max=6.0, # Min and max initial log-SNR in the noise schedule
d_feature=4, # Number of features per set element, e.g. 7 for (x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, m)
score="transformer", # Score model; "transformer", "graph"
score_dict=score_dict, # Score-prediction transformer parameters
noise_schedule="learned_linear", # Noise schedule; "learned_linear", "learned_net" (monotonic neural network), or "linear" (fixed)
embed_context=False, # Whether to embed context vector.
timesteps=0, # Number of diffusion steps; set 0 for continuous-time version of variational lower bound
d_t_embedding=16, # Timestep embedding dimension
noise_scale=1e-3, # Data noise model
n_pos_features=3, # Number of positional features, for graph-building
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
x = jax.random.normal(rng, (32, 100, 4)) # Input set, (batch_size, max_set_size, num_features)
mask = jax.random.randint(rng, (32, 100), 0, 2) # Optional set mask, (batch_size, max_set_size); can be `None`
conditioning = jax.random.normal(rng, (32, 6)) # Optional conditioning context, (batch_size, context_size); can be `None`
# Call to get losses
(loss_diff, loss_klz, loss_recon), params = vdm.init_with_output({"sample": rng, "params": rng}, x, conditioning, mask)
# Compute full loss, accounting for masking
loss = loss_vdm(params, vdm, rng, x, conditioning, mask)
# Sample from model
mask_sample = jax.random.randint(rng, (24, 100), 0, 2)
conditioning_sample = jax.random.normal(rng, (24, 6))
x_samples = generate(vdm, params, rng, (24, 100), conditioning_sample, mask_sample)
x_samples.mean().shape # Mean of decoded Normal distribution -- (24, 100, 4)
If you use this code, please cite our paper:
author = "Cuesta-Lazaro, Carolina and Mishra-Sharma, Siddharth",
title = "{A point cloud approach to generative modeling for galaxy surveys at the field level}",
eprint = "2311.17141",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO",
reportNumber = "MIT-CTP/5651",
month = "11",
year = "2023"