the hateful leetcode playground using python3
- Yandex February 20 (fail β , graphs, dp)
- German eco smart house Summer 21 (fail β, arrays, dp)
- Ennabl Irish insurance invoices bigdata Autumn 21 (pass β , greedy and number of islands dfs from leetcode)
- Sporty Group April 22 (pass β , linked lists, count sort kinda problem)
- Amazon June 22 (fail β , arrays, dp)
- Microsoft December 22 (fail β, easy string, easy array, two med/hard dp, have those here)
- French tele company January 23 (fail β , two med dp, have those here)
- Yandex Oct 23, preparing for interview, they sent list of leetcode links, most popular topics, no dp
ChatGPT can explain better than a human
grind 169 good list of leetcode problems, cover mostly of topics
leetcode patterns 180 a little bit of different list of popular problems
neetcode 442 best site with codebase and the biggest list which is good pool of problems
leetcode post related to dp categories i have issue with dp, so here's list of 200 dp problems my personal pool of problems to prepare
π 84 easy
π 198 medium
γοΈ 42 hard
total 323
- π’ array 59
- π 735. asteroid collision
- π 1491. average salary excluding the minimum and maximum salary
- π 844. backspace string compare
- π 859. buddy strings
- π 605. can place flowers
- π 11. container with most water
- π 217. contains duplicate
- π 2022. convert 1d array into 2d array
- γοΈ 2444. count sub arrays with fixed bounds
- π 271. encode and decode strings
- π 2352. equal row and column pairs
- π 2352. equal row and column pairs
- π 442. find all duplicates in an array
- π 448. find all numbers disappeared in an array
- π 2215. find the difference of two arrays
- π 1732. find the highest altitude
- π 28. find the index of the first occurrence in a string
- π 733. flood fill
- π 18. four sum
- π 49. group anagrams
- π 1306. jump game III
- π 1431. kids with the greatest number of candies
- π 2090. k radius subarray averages
- π 17. letter combinations of a phone number
- π 128. longest consecutive sequence
- π 409. longest palindrome
- π 5. longest palindromic substring
- π 169. majority elements
- π 229. majority elements II
- π 1572. matrix diagonal sum
- π 1456. maximum number of vowels is in a substring of given length
- π 252. meeting rooms
- π 253. meeting rooms II
- π 56. merge intervals
- π 1768. merge strings alternately
- π 2439. minimize maximum of array
- π 268. missing number
- π 896. monotonic array
- π 1512. number of good pairs
- π 1498. number of subsequences that satisfy the given sum condition
- π 2348. number of zero filled sub arrays
- π 763. partition labels
- π 46. permutations
- π 238. product of array except self
- π 383. ransom note
- γοΈ 301. remove invalid parentheses
- π 137. single number II
- π 912. sort an array
- π 905. sort array by parity
- π 75. sort colors
- π 54. spiral matrix
- π 59. spiral matrix ii
- π 977. squares of a sorted array
- π 443. string compression
- π 228. summary ranges
- π 15. tree sum
- π 1. two sum
- π 167. two sum II
- π 242. valid anagram
- π 125. valid palindrome
- βοΈ binary search 23
- π 704. binary search
- π 1011. capacity to ship packages within d days
- π 1351. count negative numbers in a sorted matrix
- π 34. find first and last position of element in sorted array
- π 153. find minimum in rotated sorted array
- π 744. find smallest letter greater than target
- γοΈ 1964. find the longest valid obstacle course at each position
- π 278. first bad version
- π 374. guess number higher or lower
- π 875. koko eating bananas
- π 1539. kth missing positive number
- γοΈ 774. minimize max distance to gas station
- γοΈ 2448. minimum cost to make array equal
- π 1870. minimum speed to arrive on time
- π 2187. minimum time to complete trips
- π 852. peak index in a mountain array
- π 74. search a 2d matrix
- π 33. search in rotated sorted array
- π 81. search in rotated sorted array II
- π 35. search insert position
- π 540. single element in a sorted array
- γοΈ 410. split array largest sum
- π 2300. successful pairs of spells and potions
- π¬ dynamic programming 81
- π 894. all possible full binary trees
- π 413. arithmetic slices
- π 1014. best sightseeing pair
- π 121. best time to buy and sell stock
- π 122. best time to buy and sell stock II
- γοΈ 188. best time to buy and sell stock IV
- π 309. best time to buy and sell stock with cooldown
- π 714. best time to buy and sell stock with transaction fee
- π 70. climbing stairs
- π 322. coin change
- π 518. coin change II
- π 377. combination sum IV
- π 338. counting bits
- π 2466. count ways to build good strings
- π 91. decode ways
- π 740. delete and earn
- γοΈ 72. edit distance
- π 509. fibonacci number
- π 22. generate parentheses
- π 198. house robber
- π 213. house robber II
- π 337. house robber III
- π 343. integer break
- π 392. is subsequence
- γοΈ 1345. jump game IV
- 0-1 knapsack problem
- π knight probability in chessboard
- π 1027. longest arithmetic subsequence
- π 1218. longest arithmetic subsequence of given difference
- π 1143. longest common subsequence
- π 300. longest increasing subsequence
- π 516. longest palindromic subsequence
- π 1314. matrix block sum
- π 221. maximal square
- γοΈ 1799. maximize score after n operations
- π 1567. maximum length of subarray with positive product
- π 152. maximum product subarray
- γοΈ 1770. maximum score from performing multiplication operations
- π 53. maximum subarray
- π 918. maximum sum circular subarray
- γοΈ 2218. maximum value of k coins from piles
- π 746. min cost climbing stairs
- π 983. minimum cost for tickets
- γοΈ 1547. minimum cost to cut a stick
- γοΈ 1335. minimum difficulty of a job schedule
- π 931. minimum falling path sum
- γοΈ 1312. minimum insertion steps to make a string palindrome
- γοΈ 1553. minimum number of days to eat n oranges
- π 64. minimum path sum
- π 837. new 21 game
- π 1137. n-th tribonacci number
- γοΈ 2328. number of increasing paths in a grid
- π 673. number of longest increasing subsequence
- γοΈ 1444. number of ways of cutting a pizza
- γοΈ 1639. number of ways to form a target string given a dictionary
- π 474. ones and zeros
- π 647. palindromic substrings
- π 416. partition equal subset sum
- π 118. pascal's triangle
- π 119. pascal's triangle II
- π 279. perfect squares
- π 486. predict the winner
- γοΈ 879. profitable schemes
- π NOT DP 303. range sum query
- π NOT DP 304. range sum query 2d immutable
- π NOT DP 307. range sum query mutable
- γοΈ 1402. reducing dishes
- γοΈ 1416. restore the array
- γοΈ 87. scramble string
- π 2140. solving questions with brainpower
- π 1140. stone game ii
- γοΈ 1406. stone game iii
- π 494. target sum
- γοΈ 42. trapping rain water
- π 120. triangle
- π 264. ugly number II
- π 1035. uncrossed lines
- π 96. unique binary search trees
- π 62. unique paths
- π 63. unique paths ii
- π 376. wiggle subsequence
- π 139. word break
- π‘ graphs 25
- γοΈ 1697. checking existence of edge length limited paths
- π 133. clone graph
- π 2316. count unreachable pairs of nodes in an undirected graph
- π 207. course schedule
- π 2101. detonate the maximum bombs
- π 399. evaluate division
- π 785. is graph bipartite
- γοΈ 1857. largest color value in a directed graph
- γοΈ 2360. longest cycle in a graph
- π 2477. minimum fuel cost to report to the capital
- π 1557. minimum number of vertices to reach all nodes
- π 2492. minimum score of a path between two cities
- π 1254. number of closed islands
- π 323. number of connected components in an undirected graph
- π 1020. number of enclaves
- π NOT GRAPH 200. number of islands
- π 1319. number of operations to make network connected
- π 1514. path with maximum probability
- γοΈ 332. reconstruct itinerary
- γοΈ 1579. remove max number of edges to keep graph fully traversable
- π 1466. reorder routes to make all path lead to the city zero
- π 934. shortest bridge
- π 1091. shortest path in binary matrix
- π 1129. shortest path with alternating colors using bfs
- γοΈ 839. similar string groups
π ΏοΈ greedy 12- π 881. boats to save people
- γοΈ 135. candy
- π 1603. design parking system
- π 649. dota 2 senate
- π 1775. equal sum arrays with minimum number of operations (M)
- π 55. jump game
- π 1306. jump game II
- π 1846. maximum element after decreasing and rearranging
- π 2178. maximum split of positive even integers
- π 1647. minimum deletions to make character frequencies unique
- π 435. non overlapping intervals
- π 2405. optimal partition of string
- #οΈβ£ hash table 5
- π’ heap 13
- π 373. find k pairs with smallest sums
- γοΈ 295. find median from data stream
- π 1985. find the kth largest integer in the array
- γοΈ 502. ipo
- π 215. kth largest element in an array
- π 703. kth largest element in a stream
- π 1046. last stone weight
- π 2542. maximum subsequence score
- γοΈ 1675. minimize deviation in array
- π 2336. smallest number infinite set
- π 347. top k frequent elements
- π 692. top k frequent words
- π 2462. total cost to hire k workers
- π linked list 44
- π 2. add two numbers
- π 445. add two numbers II
- π 138. copy list with random pointer
- π 1474. delete n nodes after m nodes of a linked list
- π 237. delete node in a linked list
- π 2095. delete the middle node of a linked list
- π 1472. design browser history
- π 641. design circular deque
- π 622. design circular queue
- π 707. design linked list
- π 355. design twitter
- π 287. find the duplicate number
- π 430. flatten a multilevel doubly linked list
- π 708. insert into a sorted circular linked list
- π 147. insertion sort list
- π 160. intersection of two linked lists
- γοΈ 460. lfu cache
- π 141. linked list cycle
- π 142. linked list cycle II
- π 382. linked list random node
- π 146. lru cache
- π 2130. maximum twin sum of a linked list
- γοΈ 23. merge k sorted lists
- π 21. merge two sorted lists
- π 876. middle of the linked list
- π 328. odd even linked list
- π 234. palindrome linked list
- π 86. partition list
- π 1836. remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list
- π 83. remove duplicates from sorted list
- π 82. remove duplicates from sorted list II
- π 203. remove linked list elements
- π 2487. remove nodes from linked list
- π 19. remove nth node from end of list
- π 143. reorder list
- π 206. reverse linked list
- π 92. reverse linked list II
- π 2074. reverse nodes in even length groups
- γοΈ 25. reverse nodes in k group
- π 61. rotate list
- π 148. sort list
- π 725. split linked list in parts
- π 24. swap nodes in pairs
- π 1721. swapping nodes in a linked list
- π math 13
- π 67. add binary
- π 258. add digits
- π 989. add to array form of integer
- π 319. bulb switcher
- π 1502. can make arithmetic progression from sequence
- π 1232. check if it is a straight line
- π 1523. count odd numbers in an interval range
- π 1318. minimum flips to make a or b equal to c
- π 50. pow(x, n)
- π 13. roman to integer
- π 1822. sign of the product of an array
- π 136. single number
- γοΈ 483. smallest good base
- π sliding window 7
- π 438. find all anagrams in a string
- π 424. longest repeating character replacement
- π 1493. longest subarray of ones after deleting one element
- π 2024. maximize the confusion of an exam
- π 209. minimum size subarray sum
- γοΈ 239. sliding window maximum
- γοΈ 480. sliding window median
- π° stack 7
- π³ trees 31
- π 863. all nodes distance k in binary tree
- π 637. average of levels in binary tree
- π 110. balanced binary tree
- π 94. binary tree inorder traversal
- π 103. binary tree zigzag level order traversal
- π 958. check completeness of a binary tree
- π 106. construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traversal
- π 427. construct quad tree
- π 109. convert sorted list to binary search tree
- π 543. diameter of binary tree
- π 652. find duplicates subtrees
- π 226. invert binary tree
- π 872. leaf similar trees
- π 1372. longest zig zag path in a binary tree
- π 235. lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree
- π 236. lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
- π 104. maximum depth of binary tree
- π 1161. maximum level sum of a binary tree
- π 662. maximum width of binary tree
- π 617. merge two binary trees
- π 530. minimum absolute difference in bst
- π 111. minimum depth of binary tree
- π 783. minimum distance between bst nodes
- γοΈ 1569. number of ways to reorder array to get same bst
- π 112. path sum
- π 113. path sum II
- π 872. range sum of BST
- π 100. same tree
- π 572. subtree of another tree
- π 129. sum root to leaf numbers
- π 101. symmetric tree
- π± tries 3