API Aggregator is a system that combines lua and nginx to have a sandbox environment where you can safely run user generated scripts that do API aggregation.
Why API aggregation?
REST API's are chatty because of its fine granularity. The high number of requests needed to accomplish non-trivial use cases can affect the performance of applications using such API's. This problem is particularly acute for mobile apps. See the blog post for some empirical results, for that particular case, requests time was reduced by a factor or 3.
Instead of accessing the public methods of the API, a developer can create a lua script that has the full workflow for their use-case. This lua script can be run safely on the servers of the API provider (if they use API Aggregator, that is).
The underlying idea is pretty much like stored procedures for APIs.
Note that this approach is not unheard of. Netflix, for instance, has a JVM-based sandbox environment so that their different development teams can create custom end-points for their specific needs on top of REST based API. With API Aggregator you can get quite close to the same design :-)
To add a user generated script ("the stored procedure") you only need to drop the lua file to the directory defined in $lua_user_scripts_path.
After adding the script, the end-point will be dynamically generated in runtime and it will be immediately available.
The scripts must be unnamed functions,
return function()
-- magic goes here
A example of a real user script,
return function()
local max_sentiment = 5
local params = ngx.req.get_query_args()
local path = utils.split(ngx.var.request," ")[2]
-- Get the sentence to be analyzed from the URL path
local sentence = ngx.re.match(path,[=[^/aggr/positive_word/(.+).json]=])[1]
sentence = utils.unescape(sentence)
-- Do the REST API request to get the sentiment value of the sentence
local res_sentence = ngx.location.capture("/v1/sentence/".. utils.escape(sentence) .. ".json" )
local result = cjson.decode(res_sentence.body)
-- If positive
if (result["sentiment"]>0) then
sentence = utils.unescape(sentence)
local max = nil
local words = utils.split(sentence," ")
-- for each word in the sentence, do the REST API request to get the sentiment value of the
-- word
for i,w in pairs(words) do
local res_word = ngx.location.capture("/v1/word/".. utils.escape(w) .. ".json" )
local word = cjson.decode(res_word.body)
if max == nil or max < word.sentiment then
max = word.sentiment
result.highest_positive_sentiment_word = word
if word.sentiment == max_sentiment then
ngx.header.content_type = "application/json"
This lua script aggregates 1+N requests to a REST API to serve a very particular use-case: to get the word with a highest positive emotional value of a sentence if it's positive. This use case is very specific to a particular application, so it should not be "public".
However, being able to colocate the aggregator script with the API have multiple benefits for all parties involved:
- For API consumers: it reduces the number of requests, thus reducing the page load time and if it's a mobile app, power consumption. Furthermore, it eliminates the need to run a backend services for your API to do exactly the type of aggregation that can be done now by the provider using API Aggregator.
- For API providers, the bandwidth and the number of open connections is reduced. And what's more important, you are making your API very friendly to developers to use since they can create custom scripts that meet their particular use-cases.
After adding the lua script the developer can immediately access a new API endpoint named /aggr/positive_word/*.json_. This new API method does all the heavy-lifting against the REST API of the provider.
The end-point is derived from the name of the lua file, or it can be customized on the configuration file.
The diagram depicts the flow of the example that you can setup locally if you follow the HowTo Install section.
You can add the lua module to your nginx or you can use the bundle OpenResty that has nginx with lua (and other great extensions) already built-in.
For Debian/Ubuntu linux distribution you should install the following packages using apt-get:
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev perl
For different systems check out the OpenResty documentation.
Change VERSION with your desired version (we tested
wget http://agentzh.org/misc/nginx/ngx_openresty-VERSION.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ngx_openresty-VERSION.tar.gz
cd ngx_openresty-VERSION/
./configure --prefix=/opt/openresty --with-luajit --with-http_iconv_module -j2
make install
You can change the --prefix to set up your base directory.
For the load balancer (not needed in production)
You can start the Nginx that acts as load balancer (and that hosts the html5 app demo) like this:
/opt/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -p `pwd`/lb/
This assumes you are on that in the base directory of the api-aggregation project. You can always replace
the pwd
with your full path to the api-aggregator/lb directory.
Note that the nginx load balancer is not needed, you can use your own balancer. This is just included for convenience.
The HTML5 App demo is included in the load balancer (lb/html/demo). Once you run the load balancer, you can access it at localhost:8000/demo/
To stop it. Just use the same line with -s stop
/opt/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -p `pwd`/lb/ -s stop
For the sandbox
The sandbox is not optional :-) It's where the lua scripts that do the API aggregation run.
Before running the sandbox you must change the variable $lua_user_scripts_path to the full path of the lua user scripts on the sandbox/conf/nginx.conf
set $lua_user_scripts_path "/path/to/api-aggregator/sandbox/lua/user_scripts/";
All the user lua scripts that do API aggregation (the stored procedures) should be in the directory defined above.
The name of the lua script is used to build the API endpoint, the URL. For instance, a script called positive_word.lua will automatically be available at the end-point /aggr/positive_word/*. If you want an end-point /aggr/foo/ID.xml you will have to create a lua script called foo.lua. This convention is used to automatically map user scripts to API end-points, you can force arbitrary mappings using the directive location of nginx.
Once you updated the sandbox/conf/nginx.conf you can start it:
/opt/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -p `pwd`/sandbox/
Again, you can stop it with -s stop
The sandbox is running on localhost:8090 (unless you change the listen port on the config file api-aggregator/sandbox/conf/nginx.conf)
If you want, you can use the SentimentAPI instead of your own API. Installing it's quite straight forward:
git clone
cd sentiment-api-example
ruby ./sentiment-api.rb 8080
SentimentAPI is running on localhost:8080
. You can test it with:
curl -g "http://localhost:8080/v1/word/awesome.json"
Go to your browser to localhost:8000/demo/. You will get the HTML5 App demo that showcases the performance improvements of API aggregation over direct REST access. Enjoy!
It's quit advisable to keep an eye on the error.log when trying it out,
tail -f */logs/error.log
- Josep M. Pujol (solso)
- Raimon Grau (kidd)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2013 3scale