Try it out on Vercel
Simple web app that allows a user to browse their reviews.
NOTE: Requirements here
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
The following scripts are available:
yarn lint // run tsc, eslint & prettier code checks
yarn test // run jest tests (unity & integration)
yarn dev // starts dev server locally, with hot reload
yarn build // generate PRD bundle
yarn start // starts PRD server
There's an API service to provide data.
Here are the docs, and how to generate the client.
enforces linting and commit messages locally- Merges to
branch and PRs will trigger deploys onVercel
envs codeclimate
prevents accumulating technical debt- a changelog is auto-generated after pushing to master
- PRs get robot reviews: comments and checks 🤖
There's a web app deployed as a Vercel app, matching latest master, and envs are created for new PRs.