In this project the Vertex Cover Problem is solved by using Python and C++ First the random coordinated are generated using rgen.cpp and then the output of rgen is fed to the input of Pyhton, the Python code generates the Vertex and the Edges needed for calculating the shorted path. The Shortest path is calculated in the shortest.cpp file and then the user can enter the query for the shortest path.
A small desciption for the files
rgen.cpp- generates random streets and coordinates.
- takes input from the rgen to generate Vertices and Edges
ece650-a2.cpp- calculates the shortest path for the given queries.
ece650-a3.cpp- Integrates the above files for Multiprocessing.
To run follow the steps && cmake ../ && make install && cd /run/bin && ./ece650-a3 -s 5 -n 4 -l 5 • -s k — where k is an integer ≥ 2. The number of streets is a random integer in [2, k]. If this option is not specified, it use a default of k = 10; that is, the number of streets is a random integer in [2, 10]. • -n k — where k is an integer ≥ 1. The number of line-segments in each street is a random integer in [1, k]. Default: k = 5. • -l k — where k is an integer ≥ 5. the process waits a random number w seconds, where w is in [5, k] before generating the next (random) input. Default: k = 5. • -c k — where k is an integer ≥ 1. the process generates (x, y) coordinates such that every x and y value is in the range [−k, k]. For example, if k = 15, all of the coordinate values are integers between −15 and 15. Default: k = 20.