Compendium of functions, data structures, monadic wrappers and more which, hopefully, will be included as a standard library of the language
Package slices provides utilities to work with slices
Table of contents
- Cut
- Delete
- DeleteOrder
- Extract
- ExtractIdx
- Find
- FindIdx
- Insert
- InsertVector
- Peek
- Pop
- PopFront
- PushFront
- Shift
- Unshift
Cut removes a sector from slice given lower and upper bounds. Bounds are represented as indices of the slice. E.g: Cut([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 2) -> [1, 4] Cut([4], 0, 0) -> [] Cut will returned the original slice without the cut subslice.
func Cut[T any](arr []T, from, to int) []T {
if len(arr) < 1 {
return arr
if from < 0 {
from = 0
if from >= len(arr) {
from = len(arr) - 1
if to < 0 {
to = 0
if to >= len(arr) {
to = len(arr) - 1
if len(arr) == 1 {
return arr[:0]
if from > to {
return append(arr[:from], arr[from+to+1:]...)
return append(arr[:from], arr[to+1:]...)
Delete removes the element in idx
position, without preserving array order. In case idx
is out of bounds, noop.
func Delete[T any](arr []T, idx int) []T {
le := len(arr) - 1
if le < 0 || idx > le || idx < 0 {
return arr
var t T
arr[idx] = arr[le]
arr[le] = t
arr = arr[:le]
return arr
DeleteOrder removes the element in idx
position, preserving array order. In case idx
is out of bounds, noop.
func DeleteOrder[T any](arr []T, idx int) []T {
le := len(arr) - 1
if le < 0 || idx > le || idx < 0 {
return arr
var t T
if le > 0 {
copy(arr[idx:], arr[idx+1:])
arr[le] = t
arr = arr[:le]
return arr
Extract gets and deletes the element than matches predicate. Returned values are the modified slice, the item or zero value if not found, and whether item was found
func Extract[T any](arr []T, predicate func(t T) bool) ([]T, T, bool) {
res, idx := FindIdx(arr, predicate)
if idx < 0 {
return arr, res, false
arr = Delete(arr, idx)
return arr, res, true
ExtractIdx gets and deletes the element at the given position. Returned values are the modified slice, the item or zero value if not found, and whether item was found
func ExtractIdx[T any](arr []T, idx int) (res []T, item T, ok bool) {
if idx >= len(arr) || idx < 0 {
ok = true
item = arr[idx]
res = Delete(arr, idx)
Find returns the first element that matches predicate
func Find[T any](arr []T, predicate func(t T) bool) (res T, ok bool) {
var idx int
res, idx = FindIdx(arr, predicate)
ok = idx > -1
FindIdx returns the first element that matches predicate as well as the position on the slice.
func FindIdx[T any](arr []T, predicate func(t T) bool) (res T, idx int) {
idx = IndexOf(arr, predicate)
if idx < 0 {
res = arr[idx]
Insert places the given item at the position idx
for the given slice
func Insert[T any](arr []T, item T, idx int) []T {
if arr == nil {
return []T{item}
if idx < 0 || idx > len(arr) {
return arr
return append(arr[:idx], append([]T{item}, arr[idx:]...)...)
InsertVector places the given vector at the position idx
for the given slice, moving
existing elements to the right.
func InsertVector[T any](arr, items []T, idx int) (res []T) {
if arr == nil {
res = items[:]
if items == nil || len(items) == 0 {
res = arr
if idx < 0 || idx > len(arr) {
return arr
return append(arr[:idx], append(items, arr[idx:]...)...)
Peek returns the item corresponding to idx
func Peek[T any](arr []T, idx int) (item T, ok bool) {
if len(arr) < 1 || idx >= len(arr) {
item = arr[idx]
ok = true
Pop deletes and returns the last item from the slice, starting from the end.
func Pop[T any](arr []T) (res []T, item T, ok bool) {
if len(arr) < 1 {
var t T
le := len(arr) - 1
res = arr[:le]
item = arr[le]
ok = true
arr[le] = t
PopFront retrieves and deletes the element at the head of the slice
func PopFront[T any](arr []T) (res []T, item T, ok bool) {
if len(arr) < 1 {
res = arr
item, res = arr[0], arr[1:]
PushFront inserts the item at the head of the slice
func PushFront[T any](arr []T, item T) []T {
return append([]T{item}, arr...)
Shift inserts the item at the head of the slice
func Shift[T any](arr []T) ([]T, T, bool) {
return PopFront(arr)
Unshift inserts the item at the head of the slice
func Unshift[T any](arr []T, item T) []T {
return PushFront(arr, item)
Package maps provides utilities to work with maps
Table of contents
Equals returns whether 2 maps are equals in values
func Equals[K comparable, V any](m1, m2 map[K]V, eq func(V, V) bool) bool {
if len(m1) != len(m2) {
return false
if m1 == nil && m2 != nil {
return false
if m1 != nil && m2 == nil {
return false
for k1, v1 := range m1 {
v2, ok := m2[k1]
if !ok {
return false
if !eq(v1, v2) {
return false
return true
Filter discards those entries from the map that do not match predicate.
func Filter[K comparable, V any](
m map[K]V,
p func(K, V) bool,
) map[K]V {
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[K]V, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
if p(k, v) {
res[k] = v
return res
FilterInPlace deletes those entries from the map that do not match predicate.
func FilterInPlace[K comparable, V any](
m map[K]V,
p func(K, V) bool,
) map[K]V {
if m == nil {
return nil
for k, v := range m {
if !p(k, v) {
delete(m, k)
return m
FilterMap both filters and maps a map. The predicate function should return a fp.Option monad: fp.Some to indicate the entry should be kept. fp.None to indicate the entry should be discarded
func FilterMap[K1 comparable, V1 any, K2 comparable, V2 any](
m map[K1]V1,
p func(K1, V1) fp.Option[tuples.Tuple2[K2, V2]],
) map[K2]V2 {
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[K2]V2, len(m))
for k1, v1 := range m {
tpl := p(k1, v1)
if tpl.IsSome() {
v := tpl.UnwrapUnsafe()
res[v.V1] = v.V2
return res
FilterMapTuple both filters and maps the given map by receiving a predicate which returns mapped values, and a boolean to indicate whether that entry should be kept.
func FilterMapTuple[K1 comparable, V1 any, K2 comparable, V2 any](
m map[K1]V1,
p func(K1, V1) (K2, V2, bool),
) map[K2]V2 {
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[K2]V2, len(m))
for k1, v1 := range m {
if k2, v2, ok := p(k1, v1); ok {
res[k2] = v2
return res
Fold compacts the given map into a single type by taking into account the initial value
func Fold[K comparable, V any, R any](
m map[K]V,
p func(R, K, V) R,
initial R,
) R {
if m == nil {
return initial
r := initial
for k, v := range m {
r = p(r, k, v)
return r
Map transforms a map into another one, with same or different types
func Map[K1 comparable, V1 any, K2 comparable, V2 any](
m map[K1]V1,
p func(K1, V1) (K2, V2),
) map[K2]V2 {
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[K2]V2, len(m))
for k1, v1 := range m {
k2, v2 := p(k1, v1)
res[k2] = v2
return res
Reduce compacts the given map into a single type
func Reduce[K comparable, V any, R any](
m map[K]V,
p func(R, K, V) R,
) R {
var r R
if m == nil {
return r
for k, v := range m {
r = p(r, k, v)
return r
Slice converts a map into a slice
func Slice[K comparable, V, R any](
m map[K]V,
p func(K, V) R,
) slices.Slice[R] {
res := make([]R, len(m))
i := 0
for k, v := range m {
res[i] = p(k, v)
return res
Table of contents
Table of contents