This is a small tool for changing your terminal colors on the fly.
I use it to switch my entire tmux session between Solarized dark and light modes.
Your terminal must support the appropriate OSC escape sequences. xterm and urxvt (rxvt-unicode) work fine, whereas and iTerm won't recognize these sequences.
Make sure dynamicColors
is enabled in .Xdefaults
xterm*dynamicColors: true
urxvt*dynamicColors: on
This changes your terminal background color to red if your terminal supports OCS:
echo -e "\033]11;#ff0000\007"
Clone the repository into
:git clone ~/.dynamic-colors
To add the tool to your
put the following line in your profile (.bashrc
).export PATH="$HOME/.dynamic-colors/bin:$PATH"
For autocompletion add this to your profile (
). Change .zsh to .bash for bash environments.source $HOME/.dynamic-colors/completions/dynamic-colors.zsh
List available color schemes:
dynamic-colors list
Switch to a color scheme:
dynamic-colors switch solarized-dark
Reload last color scheme:
dynamic-colors init
Add this line to your profile to always set the last color scheme.
I'm using the provided color schemes in conjunction with dircolors-solarized and vim-colors-solarized for best results. Always use the dark mode and switch schemes with dynamic-colors switch <colorscheme>
Create a new color scheme (will be opened in your default editor):
dynamic-colors create my-color-scheme
Edit an exising color scheme:
dynamic-colors edit my-color-scheme
Check if all colors are defined:
dynamic-colors audit my-color-scheme
Save this to a file named "urxvt-colors":
sub on_user_command {
my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
my $output = `dynamic-colors cycle`;
Add this to ~/.Xdefaults:
urxvt*perl-ext-common: urxvt-colors
urxvt*perl-lib: [directoy of urxvt-colors]
urxvt*keysym.F12: perl:urxvt-colors:
Now you can cycle through all color schemes using F12 for example, without closing running console applications.