A neovim plugin to send tunnell text from neovim to a tmux target pane, written in Lua.
One use case is having the comfort of editing code in neovim, while tunnelling it to a REPL to code iteractively.
to tunnell the cell where the cursor is. Note that the cursor doesn't need to be on the cell's header, but anywhere in it:'<,'>TunnellRange
to tunnell the active selection, or any other range of lines with:startline,endlineTunnellRange
to change the default cell header (# %%
) or the default target ({right-of}
) of the current buffer
With lazy.nvim plugin manager:
config = true,
opts = {
-- defaults are:
cell_header = "# %%",
tmux_target = "{right-of}",
-- to lazy-load on keymaps:
keys = {
-- suggestions for keymaps:
{ "<leader>tt", ":TunnellCell<CR>", mode = { "n" }, desc = "Tunnell cell" },
{ "<leader>tt", ":TunnellRange<CR>", mode = { "v" }, desc = "Tunnell range" },
{ "<leader>tc", ":TunnellConfig<CR>", mode = { "n" }, desc = "Tunnell config" },
-- to lazy-load on commands:
cmd = {
I made this plugin to learn Lua and how to make a neovim plugin. I work a lot with REPL-based workflows and tunnelling is something that makes my life a lot easier.
Yes, this plugin does the same as vim-slime but has a lot less functionality. You should definitely go with vim-slime.
Name inspired by quantum tunnelling.
For now, only tmux targets are supported, but making zellij, kitty, wezterm and other targets should not be hard. I just lack the motivation to do it because I personally use tmux.