For local builds, you can download to use
[Work in Progress]
- Please fork the repo from the dm-core-services to your fork repository
- Sync you local forked repo onto your machine or codespace as applicable
- Once you make changes on your end, raise a pull request to the source repository and merge post approvals
- Click on build.gradle to run and load all dependencies
- Ensure JDK 17 is installed and added in your Intellij a. File-> Project Structure -> Project Add SDK JDK 17 b. File -> Settings
- Build the project
- Once the project compiles - click on class DmServiceSandboxApplication to launch as Spring boot application
- The services will be hosted on http://localhost:8080/ sample url: http://localhost:8080/v1/user/ping
Once you launch the application locally, swagger url can be accessed at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/