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2000 - 2010 was #shoppingtheatre, early stages of locating architectural research. After that publishing anxieties creates #machimach.com on December 25th, 2010. Knowledge construction was the predominant preoccupation of the phase. 2020 the domain died an unfortunate unplanned covid death. #spatialresearch.net thus is born out of necessity to keep a conversation going, towards a grand theory on Indian architectural imagination. Documenting a past as an aid to guide the future is the present trajectory of work. The internet creative economy is more fluid and a constantly evolving landscape to participate in. In this context, the question to address is, what is the state of regional domain knowledge on architecture how its form has transformed in the immediate past. GitHub is an unusual choice for thinking spatial practice research, whose standard is images on portfolio CMS. The argument proposed is, code sits somewhere between completely written text and an image drawn. Opportunities the intersection presents are the mandates availed. Spatial thinking is a formal model of problem-solving operating within a set of known limits geographic development control regulations. Displacing that by repositioning it within a non-standard environment could create newer strains of reasoning on the subject. Can thinking algorithmically, mathematically, or statistically change spatial imagination. To briefly introduce, work on this front began with Christopher Alexander’s Notes on the Synthesis of Form and Pattern Language. Building from this foundation is a proposed working trajectory. Concepts the investigation tries to address are the consumption frameworks of the virtual marketplace of ideas and open-source product development as cultural phenomena. #shoppingtheatre in 2021 - '22 makes more appropriate a situation to address as it did in 2003. Everything on the internet is something is sold or battered for a price or given away in exchange for attribution. To rethink the #architecturalpractice or #spatialdesignpractice of today, in this economy is the discourse to articulate.
- 2201061103
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ... #conversations'21
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... #creativecoding
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ... #productivitypatterns