This incubating plug-in for Kibana allows you to visualize distributed traces from spans collected by stagemonitor.
It looks like this:
After clicking a trace, the basic trace visualization is shown
In the trace visualization you may select a span to view the span details
In the trace visualization you may select a span to view the span details
This plugin also adds a scripted field in Kibana to open the trace visualization from a span in the discover tab
Have a look at our release page. Be sure to use the plugin version corresponding to your version of kibana, down to the minor patch level.
This plugin currently only works with Chrome and Firefox. Internet Explorer is not supported.
Start elasticsearch on your machine and run the following commands
git clone
git checkout tags/v5.5.0
npm install
cd plugins
git clone [email protected]:stagemonitor/stagemonitor-kibana.git
cd stagemonitor-kibana
npm install
cd ../..
npm start
Access Kibana under https://localhost:5601 -> the lazy optimizations may take some minutes for the initial pageload.
In the tests folder, run the following command to run the tests on localhost:5601:
./gradlew test
If you are running the development instance you have to adjust the base url, as it will have a randomly generated suffix:
./gradlew test