Performance testing tools for use with CmdStan
git clone --recursive
To test the performance of the current cmdstan et al working directory on, for example, @betanalpha's stat_comp_benchmarks model repo, you can run the following:
./ -j8 stat_comp_benchmarks
./ --help
for more options.
make clean
will recursively remove all non-checked-in files from all submodules. make revert
will bring cmdstan and its submodules back to the commit specified by the current commit of the top-level performance-tests-cmdstan
to test e.g. develop against a branch you've made on cmdstan,
./ "stat_comp_benchmarks -j8 --runs 10 <other options to>" <Baseline CmdStan hash/branch/PR-???> <CmdStan hash for comparison run> <Stan hash for comparison run> <Math hash for comparison run>
All of these take pull request numbers, so to test stan-dev/math#1244 against develop (for example) you can run:
./ example-models/bugs_examples/vol2/schools/ develop develop false d013e55
Here the false could be replaced with develop
- just says to use the Stan hash associated with the CmdStan hash, in this case develop
The script will then check out and pull all of these commits, branches, or PRs from stan-dev. It should print out which commit hashes it ends up on; please check that these are correct as the script is new. For PRs, you will see an unfamiliar hash that GitHub creates to store the result of the merge of the PR into the base branch the PR is against.