Our 24hbc project: Kickstarter, but teambuilding rather than fundraising
jQuery 1.7.2
Underscore.js 1.3.3
Mustache.js 0.5.0-dev
Backbone 0.9.2
RequireJS 2.0.1
RequireJS Text Plugin 2.0.0
All API endpoints reside under the root url /api/1
End point Method Description
/user/auth POST Authenticate user [email, password]
/user/create POST Create a new User [email, password]
/user/:user_id PUT Modify User [bio]
/user/:user_id GET Get User
/user/:user_id/projects GET List of Relations associated with user
/user/list GET List of all User objects [(page)]
/project/create POST Create a new Project [name, description]
/project/:project_id PUT Modify Project [name, description]
/project/:project_id GET Get Project
/project/:project_id/users GET List Relations associated with project
/project/list GET List all Project objects [(page)]
Description of model properties used to describe models in the API
email [varchar 255] User e-mail
password [varchar 255] User Password
bio [varchar 120] User biography
created_at [timestamp] When user account was created
modified_at [timestamp] When user was last modified
name [varchar 120] Project name
description [varchar 65535] Project description
created_at [timestamp] When project was created
modified_at [timestamp] When project was last modified
project [*Project] Project in relation
user [*User] User in relation
role [enum(ADMIN,MEMBER)] Users role in relation to project
created_at [timestamp] When project was created
modified_at [timestamp] When project was last modified