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stefan-hoeck committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent 0726a11 commit 5682e95
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Showing 12 changed files with 465 additions and 348 deletions.
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions docs/src/Docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ update (Just a) _ = a
update Nothing a = a
updateUser4 : User4Update -> User4DB -> User4DB
updateUser4 upd old = let upd' = setAt' () Int Nothing upd
in hliftA2 update upd' old
updateUser4 upd old =
let upd' := setAt' () Int Nothing upd
in hliftA2 update upd' old

Let's break this down a bit: Function `setAt` replaces the
Expand All @@ -164,8 +165,10 @@ Let's see how this works out.
testUpd : User4DB
testUpd = updateUser4 [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 44,Nothing]
[12,"hock","[email protected]",42,"top secret"]
testUpd =
[Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 44,Nothing]
[12,"hock","[email protected]",42,"top secret"]

We'll have to inspect the result at
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,11 +200,12 @@ data IdField = IdYes | IdNo
data PasswordField = PwYes | PwNo
||| Fields of a user data type
data UserField = Id IdField
| Name
| EMail
| Age
| PW PasswordField
data UserField : Type where
Id : IdField -> UserField
Name : UserField
EMail : UserField
Age : UserField
PW : PasswordField -> UserField
||| Converts a `UserField` to the corresponding
||| value type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,8 +235,9 @@ UserUpdate : Type
UserUpdate = User IdNo PwYes Maybe
updateUser : UserUpdate -> UserDB -> UserDB
updateUser upd old = let upd' = setAt' (Id IdNo) (Id IdYes) Nothing upd
in hliftA2 update upd' old
updateUser upd old =
let upd' := setAt' (Id IdNo) (Id IdYes) Nothing upd
in hliftA2 update upd' old

While the syntax is a bit more verbose that with proper
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85 changes: 51 additions & 34 deletions docs/src/Docs/
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Expand Up @@ -147,37 +147,45 @@ record Parser (t : Type) where
public export
Functor Parser where
map f pa = MkParser $ \ts => do (a,ts') <- ts
pure (f a, ts')
map f pa =
MkParser $ \ts => do
(a,ts') <- ts
pure (f a, ts')
public export
Applicative Parser where
pure a = MkParser $ \ts => Right (a,ts)
pf <*> pa = MkParser $ \ts => do (f, ts' ) <- ts
(a, ts'') <- ts'
pure (f a, ts'')
pf <*> pa = MkParser $ \ts => do
(f, ts' ) <- ts
(a, ts'') <- ts'
pure (f a, ts'')
public export
Monad Parser where
pa >>= f = MkParser $ \ts => do (a, ts' ) <- ts
(f a).run ts'
pa >>= f = MkParser $ \ts => do
(a, ts' ) <- ts
(f a).run ts'
public export
Alternative Parser where
empty = MkParser Left
p1 <|> p2 = MkParser $ \ts => case ts of
Left _ => ts
res => res
p1 <|> p2 =
MkParser $ \ts =>
case ts of
Left _ => ts
res => res
||| Returns the next string token, failing if
||| the list of tokens is empty.
public export
next : Parser String
next = MkParser $ \ts => case ts of
[] => Left []
(h::t) => Right (h,t)
next =
MkParser $ \ts =>
case ts of
[] => Left []
(h::t) => Right (h,t)
||| Succeeds if the next token matches exactly the
||| given String.
Expand All @@ -202,10 +210,11 @@ repeat p (S n) = [| p :: repeat p n |]
||| Fails if not the whole list is consumed.
public export
parse : Parser t -> List String -> Either (List String) t
parse p ts = case ts of
Right (t,[]) => Right t
Right (_,ts) => Left ts
Left ts => Left ts
parse p ts =
case ts of
Right (t,[]) => Right t
Right (_,ts) => Left ts
Left ts => Left ts

### Generically derived Encoders
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,10 +299,11 @@ for all possible fields of the sum.
Next, we define a generic version of `encode`:

genEncode : Generic t code
=> POP Encode code
=> SingletonList code
=> t -> List String
genEncode :
{auto _ : Generic t code}
-> {auto _ : POP Encode code}
-> {auto _ : SingletonList code}
-> t -> List String
genEncode = encode . from

Expand All @@ -307,8 +317,9 @@ Encode Spell where encode = genEncode
||| The result can't be reduced any further, since `show` and
||| `cast` of primitives is involved.
encodeSpellTest : encode (MkSpell 10 "foo") =
[show (cast {from = Nat} {to = Integer} 10), "foo"]
encodeSpellTest :
encode (MkSpell 10 "foo") =
[show (cast {from = Nat} {to = Integer} 10), "foo"]
encodeSpellTest = Refl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,10 +362,12 @@ Decode Double where decode = mapMaybe parseDouble next
public export
Decode Bool where
decode = mapMaybe parseBool next
where parseBool : String -> Maybe Bool
parseBool "False" = Just False
parseBool "True" = Just True
parseBool _ = Nothing
parseBool : String -> Maybe Bool
parseBool "False" = Just False
parseBool "True" = Just True
parseBool _ = Nothing
public export
Decode Nat where decode = mapMaybe parsePositive next
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,10 +416,11 @@ POP (Decode . f) kss => SingletonList kss => Decode (SOP f kss) where
And again, we provide a generic version of `decode`:

genDecode : Generic t code
=> POP Decode code
=> SingletonList code
=> Parser t
genDecode :
{auto _ : Generic t code}
-> {auto _ : POP Decode code}
-> {auto _ : SingletonList code}
-> Parser t
genDecode = map to decode

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,9 +450,12 @@ to a dragon:
public export
gorgar : Dragon
gorgar = MkDragon "GORGAR" 15000
[MkSpell 100 "Fireball", MkSpell 20 "Invisibility"]
["Mail of Mithril", "1'000 gold coins"]
gorgar =
[MkSpell 100 "Fireball", MkSpell 20 "Invisibility"]
["Mail of Mithril", "1'000 gold coins"]
printGorgar : IO ()
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29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions docs/src/Docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,9 +107,10 @@ Decode Double where
decode (h::t) = Just (cast h, t)
Decode a => Decode b => Decode (a,b) where
decode ss = do (a,ss') <- decode ss
(b,ss'') <- decode ss'
pure ((a,b), ss'')
decode ss = do
(a,ss') <- decode ss
(b,ss'') <- decode ss'
pure ((a,b), ss'')

We can again define a utility function for decoding product
Expand All @@ -129,8 +130,9 @@ tupleToArticle (i,n,d,p) = MkArticle i n d p
Decode Article where decode = decodeVia tupleToArticle
decodeTest : Just (MkArticle 1 "foo" "bar" 10.0, Nil) =
decode ["1","foo","bar","10.0"]
decodeTest :
Just (MkArticle 1 "foo" "bar" 10.0, Nil) =
decode ["1","foo","bar","10.0"]
decodeTest = Refl

Expand All @@ -146,8 +148,9 @@ Idris to prove that we made no mistake:
toTupleId : (x : Article) -> tupleToArticle (articleToTuple x) = x
toTupleId (MkArticle _ _ _ _) = Refl
fromTupleId : (x : (Int,String,String,Double))
-> articleToTuple (tupleToArticle x) = x
fromTupleId :
(x : (Int,String,String,Double))
-> articleToTuple (tupleToArticle x) = x
fromTupleId (_,_,_,_) = Refl

Expand All @@ -157,9 +160,10 @@ Now that we have articles for our web store, lets define some payment
methods we accept:

data Payment = CreditCard String
| Twint String
| Invoice
data Payment : Type where
CreditCard : String -> Payment
Twint : String -> Payment
Invoice : Payment

Can we use the same techniques for implementing interfaces as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,8 +191,9 @@ toEitherId (CreditCard s) = Refl
toEitherId (Twint s) = Refl
toEitherId (Invoice) = Refl
fromEitherId : (x : Either String (Either String ()))
-> paymentToEither (eitherToPayment x) = x
fromEitherId :
(x : Either String (Either String ()))
-> paymentToEither (eitherToPayment x) = x
fromEitherId (Left s) = Refl
fromEitherId (Right $ Left s) = Refl
fromEitherId (Right $ Right ()) = Refl
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33 changes: 21 additions & 12 deletions docs/src/Docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,9 +71,11 @@ we can use `hcliftA2` followed by `hconcat`:
genEncode : Meta t code => (all : POP Encode code) => t -> List String
genEncode {all = MkPOP _} = encodeSOP (metaFor t) . from
where encodeSOP : TypeInfo code -> SOP I code -> List String
encodeSOP (MkTypeInfo _ _ cons) =
hconcat . hcliftA2 (Encode . NP I) encodeCon cons . unSOP
encodeSOP : TypeInfo code -> SOP I code -> List String
encodeSOP (MkTypeInfo _ _ cons) =
hconcat . hcliftA2 (Encode . NP I) encodeCon cons . unSOP

The functions to be used in `derive` are verbatim copies of the
Expand All @@ -99,8 +101,11 @@ we somehow need to convert the decoded n-ary sum to a `SOP`
value by applying the correct sequence of `S` and `Z` constructors:

decodeCon : forall ks . Decode (NP f ks)
=> ConInfo ks -> (toSOP : NP f ks -> SOP f kss) -> Parser (SOP f kss)
decodeCon :
{auto _ : Decode (NP f ks)}
-> ConInfo ks
-> (toSOP : NP f ks -> SOP f kss)
-> Parser (SOP f kss)
decodeCon ci toSOP = string ci.conName *> map toSOP decode

Expand All @@ -115,9 +120,11 @@ the `Alternative` instance of `Parser`:
-- Generic decoding function
genDecode : {code : _} -> Meta t code => (all : POP Decode code) => Parser t
genDecode {all = MkPOP _} = to <$> decodeSOP (metaFor t)
where decodeSOP : TypeInfo code -> Parser (SOP I code)
decodeSOP (MkTypeInfo _ _ cons) =
hchoice $ hcliftA2 (Decode . NP I) decodeCon cons injectionsSOP
decodeSOP : TypeInfo code -> Parser (SOP I code)
decodeSOP (MkTypeInfo _ _ cons) =
hchoice $ hcliftA2 (Decode . NP I) decodeCon cons injectionsSOP

Again, the functions to be used in `derive` are verbatim copies of the
Expand All @@ -142,10 +149,12 @@ test them at the REPL:
demon : Monster
demon = Demon { hp = 530
, sp = 120
, spells = [MkSpell 40 "Disintegrate", MkSpell 10 "Utterdark"]
demon =
{ hp = 530
, sp = 120
, spells = [MkSpell 40 "Disintegrate", MkSpell 10 "Utterdark"]
encDemon : List String
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