After looking for a long time on the web for a reactjs boiler plate that had hmr, most boilerplates were using just webpack and webpack dev server to do the automation. Myself coming from gulp, still wanted to use gulp but also use hot module replacement for development. After looking on the web for a long time, I found gulp-hot-reload-boilerplate. This is technically a redo of that boilerplate with some tweaks.
- Modular ReactJS
- Uses React-Router
- Uses a combination of gulp and webpack to get the best of both worlds
- Has HMR reload using gulp-hot-reload
- Very simple and lightweight, easy to add modules later
- Uses Babel ES6 to compile js files
- SCSS Compass included, can import additional scss paths in config.js
- include test library
npm install
npm install eslint eslint-plugin-react -g
open browser and go to http://localhost:1337
gulp dist
cd build/
node server.js
cd config
vim config.js
vim .eslintrc
It natively serves files in the src folder during development while gulp-hot-reload module keeps track of module updates and dynamically update the code to the browser window when it's open (click for a demo). (how webpack hmr works)
For distribution, run bash gulp dist
and it will build everything in the src folder to the build folder (note the build folder is not generated initially). You can then later
cd build
node server.js
to run your whole stack